(KD) You're My Home

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Request from @bvbwestfall on Tumblr. Kayce dutton where the reader gets a call that her friend died and later on she comes back with two little kids they named her guardian. She thinks kayce will be upset but he suprised her.

Closing the driver door I lay my head on the steering wheel gripping it in my hands hoping to not wake the children with my crying. Looking in the backseat I sniffed seeing my best friends two kids asleep in the backseat of my truck. When I got the call to make the drive home it wasn't a good thing because my childhood best friend died in a car crash. She was a single mom on her own so I was named their guardian. Hours later I finally pulled into the driveway of my husband's family ranch. Getting out first I hear the front door opened with Kayce striding up to me wrapping his arms around me in a hug. Wrapping my arms around his neck I started sobbing since he could see I was upset. "Sshh baby I'm here. Just tell me what's wrong." He tilts my head up so I'd look him in the eye as he wiped away tears that had fallen. "Ally and Lucas...They're my responsibility now. And I don't know what to do Kayce..."

Kayce shakes his head before the wind grabbed his dark brown hat blowing it off with the wind. He squeezes my shoulders gently glancing over to the two little kids. The two were identical twins only ten years old. "What are you talking about Y/n. We'll raise them together. Like we always talked about?" The wind blows my hair in my face as I sniffed some tears out clutching the fabric of his brown jacket. "Kayce we never talked about having kids. We said we would wait until we were ready. So I thought...you wouldn't want to take care of these two.." When we got married he decided to go into the navy so we chose to not to have kids until he came home. So over the years that he's been back I got used to the idea that it might just be the two of us and that was just fine.

"That's ridiculous darling. I know that I love you and I will raise the twins with you whether they are mine or not. I'll do whatever you want. They're home and yours is with me always." He vowed tucking hair behind my ear before I fling my arms around his neck kissing him slowly. He wrapped his arms around my waist kissing me back then breaking it to pick me up and twirl me around in the air. "That's a relief Kayce. I love you too. The twins can't ask for a better guy to be their father." He kisses my forehead before we walked over waking the young twins and helping them settle into their new home.

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