(KD) - Dutton's Holiday

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Request from jayduttonx
Everyone is home on the ranch to celebrate the holidays where Kayce pops the question. I hope you like it :)

Setting up the dinner table in the livingroom so a fight doesn't happen like all the other times. I smile hearing the front door open and in comes Beth and Rip with Carter. John stands in front of the fireplace smiling. Footsteps race down the stairs quickly for me to get a tight hug from Tate. More footsteps came down the stairs for me to see my boyfriend of two years, Kayce Dutton. He puts his black cowboy hat on his head lovingly smiling my way. This will be the first family Christmas for his family in years.

Kayce and I started dating after Monica didn't feel safe living on the ranch. I was hired as a farm hand alongside Teeter. I'd immediately bonded with his son Tate who he gets to see every other weekend when his mom is busy. Rip sits his hat on the back of the chair and Kayce does the same once we all sat down. John loved having his grandson and possibly grandson in his life. After the attack on the family he needed some joy in his household. The boys gave him what he was missing.

"The tree looks great Y/n." Rip spoke pointing to the decorated tree in the corner by the bright fireplace. I smile brightly loving when I got to decorate the house for Christmas when I was a child. "Thank you. Beth showed me where an old box of stuff was." Beth shrugs her shoulders taking another bite of food. "She seemed just as excited as I do when I fight with people." John shakes his head at his daughter's statement before eyeing my boyfriend. "Y/n, I love you." Kayce spoke smiling at me as I stare into his brown eyes. He gets up from his chair dropping down on a knee.

I gasped watching him reveal a small black box opening it to show a small ring. His brown eyes pouring into mine as he reveals. "Y/n, you gave me love when I thought I'd lost the only woman I'd ever love. But you've have a fun spirit, a passion for the holidays and always make sure Tate has fun. I love you, Y/n L/n. And I can't think of a better night than on Christmas eve to ask, will you marry me?" He has some tears in his eyes with the whole family watching us.

"Yes. Yes, Kayce of course!" I giggled in happy tears allowing him to slip the ring on my left hand. He gets to his feet slowly kissing me and I kiss back excitedly. "Daddy, it's snowing. It's snowing!" Tate rushed to the window causing us to break away seeing small white flakes of snow. Carter gets his coat rushing outside with him. Rip and Beth chase after them. John grabbed his jacket and we followed after Kayce and I. The small droplets of Snow covered the whole ranch as we stand on the porch. Kayce puts his hat on my head smiling down at me.

Carter and Tate bawl up some snow throwing one at each other. John joined in quickly throwing one at me I grin rushing down the stairs. Throwing one at each of the three still standing on the porch finally getting them in the fun. "You're starting to look like Santa, Kayce." I giggled as his brown hair started turning white from the Snow. He smirks tugging me to his chest by the belt loop of my pants. "Well then you'd be Mrs. Claus." Beth called out pointing up at the night sky seeing a shooting star. "Shooting star guys!" John tips his hat up grinning. "I bet it's your mom saying hi and congratulations."

"Sir, could we go inside its getting too cold out here." Rip asked pulling his jacket closer around himself. John headed back inside suggesting hot chocolate for all of us. As I'm about to step inside I feel Kayce grab my arm making me stop, raising a brow to him curiously. "What is it, Kayce?" He eyes me then something hanging above my head so I tilt it up seeing mistletoe. "Got ya cowboy. Merry Christmas Kayce." I wrap my arms around his neck kissing him. He rests his hands on my waist leaning down capturing my lips with his smiling. "Merry Christmas, Y/n Dutton."

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