(RW) - Father Figure

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Request from @kaymudd on Tumblr. Reader is Carter's older sister. She defends her brother to Rip. John and Beth watch the three's conversation.

Life on a ranch is difficult. When someone won't show you how to do something the right way. That's what my young brother has to deal with  working in the barn. This woman named Beth took us in and gave us food I don't have a problem with her. It's her guy, Rip is his name. Shrugging my tan jacket on I entered the barn hearing the man himself scolding my brother now. "You need to learn to get here first. And if you don't know how to do something the right way. Don't do it!"

"Maybe it would help if you actually showed him how to do a darn thing right!" I scoffed leaning in the doorway arms crossed over my chest. "What did you just say to me missy?" He spoke with annoying watching me step closer into the barn. "You heard me cowboy." Carter tried to warn me. "Sis..." Rip aims his finger to a horse saddle ordering. "Get to work boy." He does as he's told mumbling. "Yes, sir."

Rip stepped closer to me fixing his hat still holding his stern face that I always saw. Ever since leaving the hospital with Beth I'd felt safety on this ranch. I don't hate him I don't think I can, since I see him as a father figure. Teaching Carter and I how to not treat people in the world. How to make our lives better than our parents was. I feel tears start to slip from my eyes and he raises a brow. "Why are you crying darlin'?" I cursed myself in my head at showing my emotions around him.

"I - I - I don't know what to do. I get so frustrated when you're mean to my little bro - but I know why you do it..." I start crying more and see Rip's soft side breaking free. "Because you see a chance in us. That if we had someone to - show us how to act right that. Darn it you're like a father to me!" He slowly stepped up tugging me into his chest wrapping his arms around me. My hands clutch his jacket with me sobbing heavy into his shirt.

He tilts my head up wiping away tears of his own. "Damn straight I'm tough on you two. I didn't have a good father in my life, which made me have all this rage. At least I was just like you - until John Dutton found me. Took me in and practically raised me to be better than my parents were..."  He removes his hat after we break apart running his hand through his hair then placing it back on his head. "It seems the only way you're brother will listen is if I'm harsh. Stubborn as shit he is, apparently you are too sometimes." He releases a chuckle along with me.

"Well maybe let's try this. You start actually teaching us stuff and we'll control our attitudes." I suggest fiddling with the zipper on my jacket nervously. Carter exits the horse stall coming to stand beside me. "Alright that's fair. But if either of you step out of line. There'll be trouble understand!" He uses his stern voice once more. Carter and I both replied together. "Yes, sir." Rip tips his hat picking up one of the saddles having us following behind. "Okay let's get to work." I smiled as he showed us the right way to saddle a horse unlike last time where my brother did it horribly. We need parents in our lives.

John was standing outside the barn door returning from his morning ride with Kayce. Lisening in on their conversation. Beth slowly walked up seeing him with his back against the barn. "What are you doing daddy?" She asked as he held a finger to his lips telling her to be quiet. "Watchin Rip with the kids." Beth leans her head in slightly to see the three actually getting along for once. "I'm suprised that ain't fucking barking like dogs." She whispered taking a sip from her beer bottle. Her father tipped his hat up smiling at his only daughter. "He'll be a good influence on them." Beth smiled remembering young Rip and she thought just like you were daddy.

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