(LD) Telling The Grandpa

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Request from @artoldfartsandunicornhearts Tumblr. Lee request where him and the reader have been secretly dating and she gets pregnant so lee has to introduce her to John and the family/tell them about the baby.

Running my fingers through my hair I paced on the front porch of my boyfriend's cabin letting the nerves get the better of me. Today is probably the most terrified I have ever been in my life and it's over a baby. The front door opened where my boyfriend placed his dark tan hat on his head striding over and wrapping his arms around my nervous form. He kisses the crown of my head gently. "Y/n sweetheart stop worrying. He's not gonna toss you off the ranch I promise." Lifting my head up from his chest I sucked in a breath unsure if he is telling the truth. Lee and I had been dating in secret since I am the cousin of Thomas Rainwater who is against his father keeping his ranch. "I'm just worried he won't like me or will want me to get rid of the baby.."

Lee squeezed my hand leading me off the porch and onto our horses so we rode up to the house seeing his father sitting on a porch swing enjoying a cup of coffee. Walking up the wooden steps Lee removed his hat holding it in his other hand while he kept our hands intertwined together since I was still shaking in my boots. "Dad, I have something to tell you and I would appreciate it if you don't freak out okay." His father nodded holding his coffee cup in his lap with both hands giving a small smile to us. "What do you need to tell me, son. And who's the girl on your arm?" He nodded his head my direction so I sighed stepping out from behind his son slowly introducing myself. "Hi Mr. Dutton, I'm Y/n...and I have been dating your son."

"It's nice to meet you Y/n. Call me John. Can I ask why you two didn't come to me earlier if you don't mind?" Lee and I glanced to one another at his question so he rests a hand on my shoulder speaking next. "Well dad, the thing is...we were afraid of how you would react...to her being pregnant." John's coffee cup suddenly shattered on the porch making me jump away so I didn't get cut by the glass. He slowly got to his feet wrapping his arms around me and I slowly hugged him back sighing in relief that he didn't seem angry. "Welcome to the family honey. I am grateful to be having another grandchild." Lee and I hugged each other smiling where he slumped his shoulders in relief. "I'm glad you're not mad like you were with Kayce." John waved his hand in the air going to clean up the coffee cup he dropped. "As long as she makes you happy that's all that matters."

Comments really appreciated

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