There's Another Girl For Him pt 3

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Kayce and Y/n go up the summer camp and feelings become too hard to ignore. Some interesting news also comes along

Yanking the reins of my horse to a stop I grunted seeing that we had made it to the top of the summer camp grounds. Dismounting my horse my boots hit the grass while I watched Kayce get down from his horse too. He had suggested that we come up here to enjoy a friend's weekend just friend's. We had both been busy working but this was a normal weekend like it used to be. Sitting down on one of the blankets he laid down I stared at him seeing that he had been watching me instead of the sunset. "Kayce, why are you looking on me and not focusing on the view. I mean if you want to stare at me we didn't have to come up here." I chuckled watching him removing hat tossing it behind us and I did the same not thinking that we needed them. "Y/n, I...I don't think we can be friends anymore..."

"Wait what - Kayce what is wrong. What have I done. I thought you said we would be friends for life?" Whipping my head I couldn't believe his words. When we five years old we made an agreement to always be in the others life no matter what happens in the others life at the time. So I was terrified that I had messed up really bad even though I couldn't think of a reason how. "Y/n, I messed up when we were young and stupid because I didn't choose you. I am sorry that I got Monica pregnant and didn't see that the girl for me was right in front of now I am going to make it up to you." He reached behind him, revealing a guitar in his lap messing with some cords strumming a tune.

"I'd be spinnin' my wheels goin' nowhere fast. Pocket full of sorrys and an empty glass. All hat and no cattle and some tumbleweed boots. I'd be blowin' in the wind if I didn't have you. I'd be a drunk without a drink to drink. A guitar with a broken string. Without you, I'd be a fallin' star without a midnight sky. A cowboy with no horse to ride." He softly sang moving his fingers on the instrument shifting his gaze up to me every once in awhile smiling softly. "I'd be drivin' in the dark with no headlights on. On a one way highway that didn't go home. I'd have to borrow from the devil just to pay my dues. I'd have nothin' worth havin' if I didn't have you. Be a drunk without a drink to drink. A guitar with a broken string. Without you, I'd be a fallin' star without a midnight sky. I'd be a train runnin' out of tracks. Missin' pages in a paperback. Without you, I'd be the kind of lost that's hard to find. Walkin' through this world a liar. A cowboy with no horse to ride...." He paused deeply staring at me. "I am utterly in love with you. I always have been in love with you Y/n."

He sat the guitar back down behind us crawling up to me where we were almost pressed up against each other. I felt my face turning red where I couldn't resist from blurting it out. "I love you too Kayce...but what about Monica and Tate. You are a married man-" He cuts me off pressing a kiss to my forehead pulling out a document showing me that it was the signed divorce papers. "Monica and I agreed that we weren't really happy together. We were just staying together for Tate. But I am choosing you now and always." He cupped my face in his hands and I climbed into his lap being the one to crash my lips onto his. He moaned taken back before deepening the kiss gently pushing me onto my back. Our hands were over each where we were panting and I almost took his shirt off until he broke the heated kiss. "Easy darling...I want that too. But I feel like I need a ring on your finger first. I love you so so much Y/n L/n." Running my fingers through his messy brown hair I chuckled kissing him once more. "Then we better hurry, Dutton. Because I don't know how long I can wait to be with you...I feel like I have waited long enough." He moaned crashing his lips hungerly on mine.

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