(R) Saving Wheeler's Daughter

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Request from bvbwestfall Tumblr. Reader is attacked and rip saves her ( like beth was attacked in season two ) rip calls ryan and together they take the person who attacked reader to the train station.

Beth spit in the face of a guy trying to hold her down while I kick my knee in between my guys leg making him drop and I break into a run. But I didn't get very far when another guy shoved me into the wall choking me until a gun goes off. The guys body dropped to the floor and I collapsed on my knees with some blood on my face and in my hair. Covering my head with my arms I heard someone running up to me. "No, no, get off me!" I started thrashing until whoever it was cupped my face making me look into Ryan's eyes. A gun clipped to his belt with him tucking hair behind my ear gently. "You're okay, Y/n..we'll take care of them." He whispered before I start crying flinging my arms around his neck.

Ryan wrapped his arms around me one arm under my knees and the other under my arms. My arms wrapped around his neck since one of the guys managed to dislocate my leg when they threw me against a wall. Laying my head against his chest he sits me in the back seat just as my father sits his girlfriend Beth in the backseat beside me in the truck. The driver's door closes where my father glanced back to us and I could hear the two men struggling in the bed of the truck. "Don't worry sweetheart we're gonna take care of them..nobody hurts our girls." He glanced over to Ryan who reached back intertwining my hand with his holding a weak look on my face compared to my father who has an angry scowl. "We're going to the train station unless you say otherwise baby."

"Take...these...assholes...where...they...belong!" Beth grunted where I could see much deeper bruising on her body then I do. She got the guys to put most of their attention on me knowing that Rip would hate if someone raped his daughter. In her own way she protects me..sort of like a mother. For the rest of the ride I closed my eyes until we stopped my father opened the door helping me down as Ryan pulled the tied up guys out of the truck bed. "There's no going back on this, Y/n. I'll take the shot if it's what you want." Wiping my hand under my nose I nodded my head seeing my father draw a gun shooting each guy quickly. Covering my eyes with my hands I heard Ryan and him push them over before Ryan's arms wrap around my waist kissing my forehead. "They won't hurt you anymore, babe, I promise." Burying my face in his jacket I cling onto his embrace hoping tomorrow will be better for Beth and I.

Comments really appreciated

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