chapter 3

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Yesterday was a disaster for Sean, after cleaning his wound which still hurts like a bitch, he cried a little more, having a hot shower which calmed him down a little. He got out of the shower throwing Creed's jacket in the dirty laundry, he was going to wash it in the morning. He put on his PJ's and went to bed not waiting for Anna, he didn't want to deal with her that night because he had better things to think about. It took all night for Sean to get a wink of sleep.

When Anna entered the room, she tried to wake him up but Sean pretended to be deep in his sleep until she gave up laying down besides him like a loving wife. Sean knew he will get it in the morning because Anna wasn't a person who lets things go, he knows better, that's why right now he was seated on the edge of their bed with Anna in front of him giving him the 'lecture'. Sean hates those but he has to be there and listen to her babbling, Sean was exhausted and he wasn't saying anything to her only humming and nodding to show her that he was listening but in normal his head was far away.

He had a headache and he didn't want to listen to this.

Anna was listing out all what Sean did last night to embarrass her.

How can you forget a drink during dinner, you embarrassed me.

How can you talk to Jayden in front of our guests like that and so much more which Sean didn't know that he even did?

He listened wanting all the nagging to end soon so that he can rest, all he wants is to see Creed, he wants to apologize for his indecent exposure. Creed shouldn't have seen him sniff his jacket like that, it was inappropriate. Sean fears that Creed might think something which isn't true so he wants to clear that out.


What if Creed tells Anna, hell would blow out and what Sean wants now is peace in his life, the last thing he wants is a jealous actress on his ass.

Sean had been thinking where he can find Creed, he came up with the idea of looking for him on social media because he might have one right but again he was scared, what if Creed doesn't want to talk to him after what he saw. What if Creed tells Bree not to give Anna that part she so desperately wants because of Sean or more Creed might beat him up.

But he winked at him, what does that even mean. Why would.....

"Are you even listening to me!"Sean blinked twice when a slap landed on his left cheek scratching him, "I'm here talking and you're in your head" she snarled at him. Sean clutched his cheek rubbing it softly looking at Anna who was glaring at him like he wants to kill him.

"I'm sorry I zoned out for a second" he muttered feeling his eyes sting with tears at the pain he felt in his cheek, the bitch has scratched him with her ridiculously long nails.

"What were you thinking about huh!" Annabel asked not in so elegant voice  people are used to hearing. Now this was the real Annabel Lopez you're about to meet. "So I'm boring when you're in wrong" she spat at him her brown eyes glaring daggers at him, he just stared at her not saying anything while biting his lips hard."what did you talk with Creed!" She gritted her teeth. She noticed how creed was helping Sean all night and it looked like creed was so much interested in Sean than her yet she brought them to her house for different reasons.

Sean frowned at Anna's question "nothing" he replied.

"That didn't look like nothing" she breathed in "did he ask you anything personal, did you tell him something"Anna asked this time calm.

"No he just asked my age and how many years we have been married!" Sean replied softly looking at Anna through his eyelashes.

"Why didn't he ask me that"Anna muttered pacing around the room making Sean dizzy. She had been pacing around like this for over an hour now. Sean shrugged not replying to her, Anna abruptly stopped Pacing looking at Sean with the culmination on her face. Sean furrowed his eyebrows not knowing what happened but the look of hate and distaste taking over Anna's features made him shift uncomfortably. Sean was confused about what did he did now.  Wasn't he supposed to tell him that.

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