Chapter 49

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Everything was getting better, Creed was discharged from the hospital a few days ago, his wounds are healing perfectly, yes he still has aches here and there but he was getting better by each day. Due to putting his life in danger, Sean decided to give himself some time, he was too stressed for his own being and when he saw that everyone was worried about him, he decided to first put everything on hold to take care of himself. He didn't want to pass out or blank out like last time. What if Nolan and Nathan weren't With him, something bad might have happened.

He might have lost his babies or more his life so he decided to put everything on hold for his health. Doctor kurtis told him that if he had gone more days like that he would have lost the babies and hearing that made him get scared.

Yes, he wants revenge on the woman who had ruined his life but he won't get that if he doesn't take care of himself. For the meantime, he pushed everything to the back of his head and relaxed. He kept most of his time taking care of Creed, helping Asher with his studies since the boy had missed many days without attending classes, and helping his mother with therapy.

Her doctor says that due to the exercise she will be good as new in no time without even doing surgery. She was a strong lady. This made Sean happy, at least she will be back to her legs soon.

Sean had invested most of his time in discovering new recipes which he knows he will need in the future if he opens up his own restaurant which he was sure it will.

Creed is always the first one to taste his new recipes and when it's not good he tells him right away. Creed wasn't like his mother though, he doesn't sweet-talk something like Cathy does. Cathy feels like he doesn't want to disappoint his son, she only praises him, Sean always tells her that she needs to tell him the truth but no matter what she can't. At least Creed tells him the truth.

Sean got startled when someone touched his shoulder. He swings around looking at Greg with arched eyebrows "sorry to startle you son" Greg said looking worriedly at Sean. Sean was once again in the kitchen making something. A New recipe "everything is good, I have been calling you for a few minutes but you seemed to be so invested," Greg added.

"Oh yeah sorry...My thoughts were into this, I want it to be good...WhatsApp" Sean said going back to stirring something in the pan. Greg and Bree had never left Sean and Creed's side since the incident. The couple is always at their house taking care of them, like little kids. No matter how much Creed tells them that they're fine, they don't listen to him. They come in the morning and go back late at night.

"Nathan called," Greg said after taking a deep breath. He wanted to pry and ask Sean if he was truly fine but decided against it. Sean looks better than the last weeks.

"Oh, what did he say" he turned around facing Greg fully. Since the incident, Nathan told him to take it down low. Sean thanked the man for considering his healthy. Sean thought that the man will dismiss the case due to what happened though, he was surprised when he told him that he will be his lawyer when he first takes care of himself. Greg had told him that Nathan and Nolan are enjoying themselves,its like they came for the vacation, they never left.

"He will be here in thirty minutes, he wants to talk to you about something," Greg said

"Ok, thank you" Sean replied with a smile.

"Sean you know you can talk to me if anything is bothering you right," Greg said in a fatherly tone.

"Yes Greg, I'm fine I swear, I was so engrossed in this soup I'm making that's all" Sean replied with a smile.

"I know it will taste great" Greg gave him an equally wide smile and with a pat, on his shoulder, he walked away leaving Sean to cook whatever he was making. Sometimes even the blonde doesn't know the type of dishes he makes. They don't have names. or he should call them Sean's recipes. After preparing food Sean left the soup on the stove and walked out of the kitchen walking by Bree and his mother who were engrossed in some sort of conversation. He walked towards the basement where Creed and his friends were, since the studio wasn't available anymore, they now use the basement to paint.

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