Chapter 57

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He was the happiest of them all, he couldn't believe what was in front of him. He couldn't stop grinning from ear to ear plus he couldn't stop the tears that are flowing down his cheek at this very moment. He wanted to be pinched or be punched out of it if it was just a dream. And if it was, he didn't want to be woken up forever.

He wanted to stay their for the rest of his life, coz looking at them was the only thing he desired to do for the rest of his life.

He couldn't believe that he was a father of three beautiful babies. He was scared when he saw how Sean was in pain reaching the hospital doctor Kurtis assured him that everything was fine, they might have miscalculated the days plus most people give birth before the actual date and seeing the way Sean was groaning in pain, Kurtis couldn't wait any longer so he decided to take them out immediately.

"Congratulations son, again" Greg clasped his shoulder with a big smile on.

"Can you believe it dad" Creed said all his eyes on his three angels in the crib sleeping softly. He can't say that it was easy most especially seeing his baby in so much pain was hurtful but he pulled it through. His baby was so strong and managed to deliver three healthy babies, even if they used a c-section which doctor Kurtis suggested since Sean couldn't do a natural birth but it wasn't any less pain full, he could see how he twitched in pain now and then.

Creed couldn't hold his excitement when he saw the first baby being pulled out, how small and fragile she was and couldn't help the tears that fall from his eyes just watching her.

"This is all you wanted, son" Greg said "treasure him for the rest of your life coz it wasn't easy, you gave you a family" they both looked at Sean who was deep in sleep. After pulling out all the three babies, Sean couldn't help but to pass out due to the tiredness he was feeling.

And before Doctor Kurtis injected him with Anastasia to ease the pain, The blonde was in so much pain Creed's heart arched painfully seeing him like that.

"I will love him until the day I die dad, he gave me three beautiful babies. Look at them" Creed cooed reaching out to his eldest daughter pressing a tender loving kiss on her head, after he did the same to the second daughter and lastly to his fragile baby boy. Creed's predictions were true, two girls and one boy, though even if they came differently he would love them no matter what.

Suddenly the door opened to the room, Bree, Cathy, Asher, Rhode, and Luna came in with face masks on, to not infect the babies with whatever diseases they possess

"Oh my god, they are so small" Asher exclaimed with wide eyes.

"Awww they're so cute" Rhode added looking at his nephew and nieces.

"Is Sean ok, he looks worn out" Cathy asked putting her hand on her son's head who was deep in sleep in worry, she hasn't bothered going to see her grand children, all her focus was on her son.

"His fine, he just needs to rest a bit" She nodded knowing that it wasn't easy to carry or deliver three babies. She wheeled her chair towards the three cribs which were circled by everyone watching the adorable babies.

"Have you named them already" Bree asked

"Not yet, we will when Sean wakes up" Creed answered back.

"Alice, let the oldest be Alice and the boy be Ashton and and another one Alexia" Asher said pointing to the babies.

"Ashton.." Rhode scoffed rolling her eyes.

"Who the fuck names Alice and Ashton," Luna asked too with a soft laugh.

"Hey, they rock"Asher defended. They started bickering amongst themselves until the visiting hours were over. The nurse came in and told them to give the babies space so that they can rest. That's when they took off promising to be back later in the day, maybe Sean would be awake by then.

It was really a crazy beautiful day.

Though Creed couldn't stop looking at his babies all the time. He wanted to look at them forever.


"So what do you think we should name them" Creed asked holding Sean's hand who had woken up hours ago. The blonde was happy to see his babies even though he couldn't carry them but he could see how beautiful they looked. He was dying to hold them especially when they started fussing and Creed was struggling to feed them.

All he wants was to hold them and kiss them. He can't believe he just birthed the most beautiful human beings in the whole wide world.

"I don't know though I have a hand full of them" Sean replied squeezing Creed's hand.

"Let's hear them" Creed stood up pecking his lips softly "I love you" he whispered making Sean's ears burn.

"You've been saying that since I woke up, Creed stop" Sean commented embarrassingly.

"And I will never stop saying it to you" Creed promised gazing at him like he was looking at gold or a flower with so much love in his Golden irises he would never want to lose at any cost. To him he felt exactly like that, what he said to his dad was true, he will treasure Sean for the rest of his life and he will never stop showing it to him. For fucks sake he gave him three health beautiful kids which he will love to death.

"Oh Creed stop," Sean rolled his eyes "do you want them to take your last name or mine" he changed the subject before his face falls off.

"What do You want" Creed asked kissing his hand.

"You're doing it again"

"Doing what"

"We have to decide together, tell me what you think" Sean said looking at his kids who were beautifully asleep.

"My opinion doesn't matter on this one baby, you're in total control. If you want them to carry your last name so be it and if you want mine, it's ok too" Creed smiled softly.

"That's a lot of power, you're giving me babe," Sean said sinking deeper into the pillow hissing slightly at the pain in his body. "But please your opinion matters as much as mine, you're their other father so please let's do this together" Sean said

"...." Creed sighed, he really wanted to let Sean do this but looking in those beautiful eyes of his, he sighed in defeat. "Ok what about they take both, with no middle name like McKay Olsen" Creed suggested.

"I love that" Sean muttered "what do you think of Emma McKay Olsen" Sean smiled.

"Emma, I like that" he agreed "Leah" Creed said

"Leah, I like it" Sean smiled, they looked like they weren't thinking about them but they both been thinking about the names even though no one voiced it out "Keith" Sean said the last one. Creed nodded agreeing with the choice.

"Welcome to the world Emma, Leah and Keith McKay Olsen" Sean said with a beaming smile on his lips.

"I don't know what I should give you baby" Sean snapped his eyes to Creed who was already looking a him with teary eyes. "Say whatever you want and I will give it to you this minute" he added as a tear slid down his cheek, he was so happy. Sean has made him a father, due to all the shit he had gone through, he managed to keep the babies safe, and he changed his mind about aborting. If it was another person, they would have pulled them out without a second thought but Sean didn't yet he was still suffering "you have given me the best gift in this world, the thing I have been dreaming of all my life. It's no longer a dream, I'm looking at my beautiful gorgeous gift of all times in this world and I can't even believe that they're mine. It's like I'm in a beautiful dream and I fear to wake up" Creed teared up looking between Sean and his babies, he can't believe it no matter what.

"All I want from you is to be with us forever Creed, I want you by my side until the day I die, that's what I want," Sean said caressing Creed's cheek lovingly.

"It's done baby, I'm forever yours" Creed replied sealing it with a deep kiss. "I love you my baby, now and forever" Creed promised looking in Sean's eyes and the blonde could see how sincere he was when saying those words.

"I love you too" he said smiling widely.


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