Chapter 23

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Sean sat up on the bed rubbing his eyes softly trying to adjust them from the light that was coming out of the window. He looked around the bright white room and there was no asking himself where he was. He exactly knew where he was and he remembers what happened. He passed his hand over his stomach feeling it softly as a tear slid down his face sobbing quietly to himself.

How can he be this stupid? He scolded himself.

He looked to his left seeing Creed there sleeping peacefully not minding about the world. Sean gazed at him up and down thinking if this had happened to Creed what will the man do, though, it will be only a question because he knows that won't happen. Sean admired him, he had no problems like him. He wasn't the one who was pregnant or in an abusive relationship, Sean felt jealous. He felt like the universe doesn't like him that much, in all people out there who are supposed to get pregnant, he had to be one of them and he hates it.

That's not the only problem Sean has, the fact that he is married also adds to the problem. Anna is going to kill him, first by the looks of it he didn't sleep at home meaning Stone looked for him around the house and he wasn't there. Second, his wife might have called and he didn't answer. Sean's life was over but he will not think about that now, the main issue right now is this problem he has in his belly.

Hearing the silent sobs, Creed stirred up in from his slumber rubbed his eyes as he looked at his love who was crying. "Sean.." he called softly swallowing not knowing what to say at this moment. He saw how Sean was caressing his stomach gently while sobbing, Creed felt heartache looking at the blonde like that, he doesn't want to see him cry or sad.

He stood up drawing him into a tight hug which to his relief the blonde accepted without hesitation wrapping his arms around his waist crying on his stomach. He felt overwhelmed with the emotions, he didn't know what to think about. He wanted to think about the pregnancy but he didn't know what to think about it and at the same time, he wants to think about Anna, how was she gonna kill him when she finds out.

"It's ok, everything will be fine" Creed cooed lovingly. "I'm here" he continued soothing him until the blonde calmed down only sniffles were heard. Sean pushed himself out of Creed's embrace taking deep breaths "do you need anything, food, water anything" Creed asked. Sean looked at the teller man tears still falling as he shook his head.

"Can you please call the doctor for me" his voice was breathy and dry due to the crying he had done. Creed didn't argue with him as he complied calling doctor Kurtis who picked up immediately. He agreed to come and he hung up.

"How are you feeling" Creed asked sweetly.

"Did Anna call" Sean instead asked?

"Um yeah," Sean only nodded sighing deeply. Hell was going to break through. Creed was about to add something when a knock was heard on the door doctor kurtis came in with a smile.

"Sean how are you feeling" the older man smiled at him. Sean looked at him in the eyes as he said something which surprised Creed and the doctor himself.

"Is it possible to abort" Creed gasped loudly looking at Sean like he had grown two heads?

"Um, did you say abort" Doctor Kurtis wanted to be sure if he heard had well. The men he had birthed before are always happy when they find out that they are pregnant. Most of them don't even ask how it's possible to get pregnant. But the look in the blonde's eyes, says others wise. He looks too loath being pregnant and this surprised the doctor, he thought he would be happy about it.

"Yes, I want to abort," Sean said looking straight in the man's eyes with blank expression. He looked at Creed who also looked mortified by Sean's words. A tear slid down his face which he wiped off quickly before anyone could notice. Creed had been thinking and this didn't cross his mind. He thought Sean will keep it. "Doctor" Sean called getting the man's attention back who was silent.

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