chapter 20

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They have been driving for twenty minutes or so, Sean can't determine because he was asleep the all drive and he couldn't believe how tired he was. The moment he opened up his eyes they were parked in the amusement parking lot which was full of cars and some people wandering around, some getting out of their cars, others talking to themselves without care, and others getting into the Park.

He yawned sleepily, feeling like going back to his house and sleeping his tiredness away but looking at the diver's side Creed was looking at him with a small smile which made Sean's insides flutter and shut his mouth. The man was so happy to be here with him. He wasn't gonna ruin it and That damned smile will one day kill me for sure. He thought

"We're here" He muttered but Creed heard him perfectly.

"Yes" Creed answered back looking at Sean with a big smile showing off his dimple which makes Sean to want to lean in and poke it. They barely show unless Creed smiles fully but every time it shows, they do things to Sean. At first, he never saw it but spending this much time with the man, he had seen and learned more about him.

"Why aren't we getting in" Sean asked with a small yawn escaping his mouth. He lifted his hands wanting to stretch a little bit.

"You were sleeping and I didn't want to disturb your beauty sleep, you looked relaxed" Creed replied softly. In a normal sense, he was observing the blonde intently, wanting every feature to be implanted in his mind, Sean looked so adorable so he wants the picture to stay in his head forever until he puts it on the paper.

"Oh sorry for boring you. I really couldn't keep my eyes open no matter what" Sean felt bad, he should have given him some company but he couldn't keep his eyes open for the life of him. He felt like sleeping the Moment he entered the car.

"You never bore me baby, actually I had fun watching you sleep letting out soft cute snores and drool was the best sight" instantly, Sean put his hand on his mouth to see if it was true. He can't be drooling in his sleep. Creed let out a soft chuckle looking at Sean with amusement his golden eyes sparkling in delight. He was so beautiful. He thought glaring at Creed knowing so very well that he was teasing him.

"I hate you" Sean pouted opening the door so that he can get out. Creed was quick to also get out instantly rushing towards him pulling the blonde in his arms hugging him.

"Don't pout baby" Creed chuckled ruffling the blonde's hair feeling the soft globe in his hands.

"I don't snore or drool" Sean stomped his leg down like a little kid which made Creed laugh out at the cuteness of that. How much can Sean be this cute. The man was too beautiful and cute for his own being. Sean was never like this with Anna, acting like a baby, no.

"I might have lied about drooling baby-" Creed says "but I didn't lie about snoring" Sean blushed red in embarrassment hearing what the painter had told him "though it's cute" Creed added seriously.

"Snores aren't cute Creed, they are disgusting" Sean ached an eyebrow looking up at Creed who was holding him protectively in his arms. How much Sean loves being here in these warm Strong arms. He felt safe, like no one could hurt him.

"To you my dear they are so cute. I would watch you snore the whole day and I will fall in love with you over and over again" Sean's eyes widened at what Creed had said his hands tightening a little around Creed's waist before stepping back slightly to look at the man in the face.

"W-" Sean cleared his throat his body trembling as they made eye contact with the man whose golden orbs were also diluted in shock. It's like he wasn't meant to say those words out loud. He just blurted them out without thinking. "What h-have y-you sa-said" Sean sputtered his palm sweaty wetting the man's jacket, he thought he was hearing things.

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