Chapter 40

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They reached the hospital one hour ago and they haven't heard anything from the doctor or how Cher was only what Hunter and Colt had told them. Creed was tapping his leg unconsciously in fear and worry, he doesn't want anything to happen to his friend, he is actually scared, Hunter described the way Cher was found, it wasn't pretty at all, and seeing the fearful look on Colt and Hunter's face was making him flustered.

His studio was burnt down but that was the last thing on his mind right now, all he wants was for his friend to be ok. He was fumbling with his fingers and the zipper of his jacket trying so hard to control his rapidly beating heart.

The fact that she wasn't breathing and the side of her torso was pretty burnt so badly was making him anxious. "Calm down" Sean whispered with a yawn, the poor man was tired all he needs was to rest but he can't leave his boyfriend in this situation. Creed might act tough but he was scared, it was all written on his face.

Creed laced his long fingers with his own as he put his head on the blonde's shoulder with a heavy sigh trying to get all the comfort, the heat Sean was emitting was comforting "I don't want anything to happen to her" he whispered in a broken voice making Sean's heart arch.

"Nothing is gonna happen baby" Sean soothed in a sweet voice kissing his man's head softly to calm him down. "Everything will be fine, she's going to be ok" he added softly ruffling his hair in comfort also putting his head on his head resting it there. Sean closed his eyes to rest a little bit until surgery is done. He can feel how Creed was shaking but all he hopes was all good news.

Creed was asking himself how the studio caught fire, all his friends don't smoke or cook in the studio but according to what his friends had told him the fire started from behind the studio, which was odd but Creed will not dwell on that all he wants was his friend to get better, that's what matters right now. The studio is replaceable but life can't be replaceable. The police is still investigating how it caught fire in the first place.

All he hopes was for Cher to get better, the woman has a life ahead of her.

"So this is the famous Sean" Creed whipped his head off of Sean's shoulders quickly looking at his best friend who was glaring at Sean. Creed had noticed how Hunter was eyeing Sean ever since they arrived and he didn't like it at all, though he didn't comment on it, all his mind was on Cher, Creed glared at Hunter with pissed eyes but told him to stop this nonsense.

Hearing the voice say his name Sean too opened his eyes and it wasn't like he was sleeping, no, he just wanted to close his eyes for a while that's all. Since they arrived earlier, Creed talked to his friends but he didn't introduce them to him and Sean didn't mind because of the circumstances they are in. Sean was about to introduce himself when Creed bit him to it.

"Hunter not now!" his voice was warningly making Sean look at him confused. Was he missing something?

"He is pretty, no wonder you couldn't stop yourself from stealing him," Hunter said in a bitter tone all his eyes on Sean. Now Sean was utterly confused. Doesn't Creed's friend like him.

"Hunter I said not now" Creed growled looking at Hunter with pissed eyes.

"Hunter can you please don't start now" Colt said who was quiet all his gaze on Hunter with warning eyes. He again put his gaze on Sean and Creed looking at them with apologetic eyes "pardon him, nice to meet you, Sean, Colt" he introduced himself with a smile on his face putting his hand forward for a handshake which Sean accepted but he was still confused.

Does Hunter have a problem with him.

That was on his mind.

"Nice to meet you too," Sean said with a small smile.

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