Chapter 48

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"Samuel think, damn it" she barked looking at the man seated in front of her. The man sighed lowly taking deep breaths as he gazed into space trying to think of any possibility of getting his client out of this mess. Samuel was Annabel's lawyer, who had arrived two hours ago when his client called him. You all might be wondering why Annabel Lopez, the famous actress needs a lawyer now.


Yesterday she received a letter from the high court requesting her presence in the court of law. Sean had sued her and it wasn't pretty at all. All the crimes the bastard had put on her were so bad and Anna can't find a way out of it. She underestimated Sean for sure, she didn't think that the male can do this to her, though she knows that motherfucker Creed was behind all of this and now she regrets not killing him when she had a chance.

"As I have been telling you, this is not pretty" Samual voiced out still looking in space, thoughts running through his head "you have to sit down and apologize to him or else...." the man said now peering up at her.

"Apologise, are you fucking kidding me right now" She yelled in frustration.

"You tortured him Anna, the general saw it and that's the only thing that can be done so that you don't go to prison" Sam reasoned.

"I can't go to prison Sam" Anna barked

"I know Anna but the evidence is there for fucks sake Anna why didn't you tell me before you did something like that" the man was getting worked up, ever since she told him what she had done, the man didn't like it a little bit. She should have consulted him before doing it.

"I didn't thin..." Sam cut her off.

"He is Greg and Bree Olsen's child we are talking about here" Sam huffed rolling his eyes as he stood up "we can deny other charges sure but this"

"Zackary is out, we can make the general out too, his the only one with the real evidence," Anna said looking at her lawyer. She had already killed the captain and she had been wanting to see general Hoffman but it is so difficult to see the man, he is high ranked though, she knows she can do it.

"Are you even listening to yourself" Sam looked at her "he is guarded and no one can get to him unless....." Anna cut him off.

"If Sean's lawyer got to him we can too before the trial," Anna stared at him with a hard expression. "You're also a lawyer look for a way to get to him"

"I have never met the guy before Anna, and you have to be ranked or a good friend or family to see him," Sam said "I will try to look into him more" he sighed adding.

"Ok thank you, Samuel don't disappoint me" Anna smiled at him sweetly.

"When did I disappoint you" the lawyer too smiled at her


"Right, so give me all the information about the man you used to run over Sean's mother, the nurse you used to give her false mediation" Anna nodded as she started telling him all the information the man needed.

"What about the abuse" Anna asked

"That would be easy peasy, no woman abuses a man, it's the other way around. The court is always on the woman's side unless they have evidence which I know they don't, right?" Sam asked.

"I don't think so" Samul nodded standing up again pushing all his things into a briefcase. "Sam let me make one thing clear--" the man hummed looking at her "make sure in all of this, Sean comes out unaffected, without a scratch" her eyes were serious.

"I know don't worry, it will be just a scare that's all" Anna smiled at him as they said goodbye to each other. As soon as the man was out of the door Anna called Stone instantly. The man was always around the corner and in just seconds he appeared in front of her.

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