Chapter 46

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"I want to press charges against Annabel Lopez" for a moment the room went still, eyes wide in shock. Tears were brimming down his face in anger, he was so angry he couldn't hold back.

"Are you sure about that" Nathan too asked a bit surprised? Marlee had told him how Sean fears Anna so the last thing he expected from the blonde was this. Sean looked around the room all eyes on him waiting for him to say something. He removed the phone from the loudspeaker pressing it against his ear untangling himself from his sister's embrace and brother who was still shocked and surprised, no one expected to hear this. He swallowed hard walking away from them putting a safer distance between them.

"Y-yeah" he muttered unsurely through the phone. He heard Nathan take a deep sigh from the other side.

"Sean.....can I call you that," Nathan asked after a few minutes of keeping quite.

"Y-yes" Sean stuttered

" can call me Nate or Nathan too, calling me Mr. Thompson makes me feel too old than I am" even though Sean thought the man was joking but the seriousness was intact in his voice " I was about to say, I want you to be sure that you want to press charges against you wife if you're unsure... let's leave it the way it is, don't act irrationally just because you're mad at her now...So tell me what you want," he asked his voice stren.

Sean inhaled deeply, does he want to sue Anna, yes but is it the best decision. He thinks so, Anna had done so many bad things to him and Sean was tired. She hurt the man he loves and the said man is inside that room fighting for his life. This is so unfair if she can do that, what will she do in the future, and to hell, Sean isn't going to sit back and let her do this to him, to the people he loves but the question was, will she stop. Hell, she fucken used a full station to beat up his boyfriend. She will do more if Sean keeps quiet, he had to show her to never mess with him again or the people he loves.

"I'm sure Mr. Th...Nathan" he corrected himself "she had done many things to me and I have always kept quiet. B-But this is unacceptable" Sean said determined, he is fade up, this needs to stop. He can't even get out of the fucking house because of Anna.

This has to change.

And this is his chance.

"Ok so...if you're sueing her, what will be the charges," Nathan asked calmly.

"She had abused me for years, I know it was a deal of me marrying her but abusing and locking me in the house wasn't the deal. The fact that my mother had been taking false medicine all these years. She had technically kidnapped my boyfriend and assaulted him to near-death" Sean said pacing around feeling his stomach flattering, fear dancing in it but enough is enough. Nathan kept quiet for a while still processing what Sean had said.

"Does your mother has evidence that she was taking the wrong medicine" he finally asked

"The doctor checked up on her weeks ago, we have all the evidence" Sean replied, and Nathan, hummed.

"Let me give you a piece of advice Sean" the man said after while "about the abuse, no one is going to be on your side. Apparently, men can't be abused by women. And the fact that she's a celebrity and a decent one who has never done anything no one will listen to you" Nathan said truthfully.

"I have scars all over my body and it's all because of her" Sean argued.

"Scars on your body don't prove anything and I'm not saying that it's not true Sean, I'm just giving you an insight of what will happen. People will throw shit at you until they are proven otherwise, that's why I was asking you this...are you sure you want to do this. Marlee tells me that you're pregnant, so last chance are you sure" Nathan asked in an undertone voice. Sean breathed in again. He is so fucken sure. Anna needs to pay.

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