Chapter 29

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Creed was pacing back and forth through his studio looking at his watch now and then, he pushed his fingers through his hair his heart beating so fast in his chest it might pop out at the way it was beating. He wasn't settled at all, he was actually panicking, scared and terrified. Too many emotions hitting him at once and it's all because of his boyfriend Sean McKay. He hadn't heard anything from Sean since yesterday and it's making him apprehensive and fearful. Anna was back and he left him there. He didn't like the idea of Anna being alone with his man, he wishes he didn't listen to Sean and stayed at the mansion.

But he didn't want to stress the blonde more, seeing that he was already stressed and all. The man was scared but Creed wasn't blaming him to be scared of the actress, if you had been through what Sean had been thru with her, you would be scared too. Though Creed thought that Sean will ask for divorce by now, he hasn't called him since yesterday as they planned to which is making the painter uneasy.

He would have been there with his boyfriend by his side and supported him but Sean told him to stay back he can do this on his own. Creed didn't want to argue with him or stress him more and he knew Sean can do this on his own but what if Anna becomes toxic and abuses him. What if the babies..... he shook his head not wanting to think about it now. He has to put all the negativity away and trust Sean on this one, he has a reason why he hasn't called him, Creed will o.....

"What gotten into you," Cher asked looking at her portrait in adoration. Creed looked at her for a second then paced around again murmuring that it was nothing.

"You look worried, what is it" this time it was Hunter who asked who pushed Colt's hand away when the said man started rubbing his hand on his back.

"It's nothing just go back to work," Creed drawled still pacing back and forth.

"You know we are done for a day right?" Colt reminded Creed who looked down at his wristwatch which he was watching all these minutes and saw that it was indeed evening. This got him worried, it was getting late and he hadn't heard anything from his boyfriend for the whole day.

" can go rest I will close up" Creed smiled at them wanting to let them know that he was fine. He didn't want to tell them about Sean now, before settling with the said man. It's not that he doesn't trust them but some things are better to be kept to yourself and he knows how Hunter will react about these certain things. He will blame Sean for cheating and he doesn't want that. In Hunter's eyes or thinking no one has a right to cheat, whether your marriage is not working out, in his opinion just walk out. The man has issues so others may understand but Hunter won't.

"You first tell us what is going on" Hunter insisted. "Were not going anywhere until you talk to us"
Creed stopped pacing looking at them with wide eyes.

"There is nothing to talk about" his voice was low. He didn't want to come out high. Whenever he is nervous that happens a lot and they know him.

"Sure they are" Cher covered her portrait saying.

"Just tell us you know we are not gonna stop until you say something," Colt said with a heavy tired breath. They have been working the whole day since they have an exhibition coming up in the next few weeks so they have to work their asses off and Greg was on his ass to show him something. The son of bitch puts him under pressure though he knows why, it's because this gives him something to do instead of sitting at home doing nothing.

"I have a boyfriend" Creed decided to tell them that.

"What," they all said in unison congratulating him. They were surprised by this, they thought he won't get into a relationship since what Jackson did to him but all in all they were happy for him.

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