Chapter 24

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Sean was all alone in the house, he had been crying his eyes out since Creed dropped him off yesterday. He hadn't gotten a wink of sleep all night to much on his mind, he was so stupid. He contemplated going to his mother, he feels like he needed someone to talk to, he needed someone to hug him and tell him that everything will be fine but there was no one, he was in an empty house, with only the walls looking at him and it was killing him and Creed wasn't an option.

Though going home to his mother wasn't an option. The woman will ask questions which of course Sean doesn't have an answer for. He can't tell her that he was pregnant when he wasn't going to keep it. Then Creed's sad face flashed in his eyes, the longing the man had which is hunting Sean right now. Only the look in Creed's eyes makes him reconsider his decision but he has to think, having a kid right now is not in his vocabulary or his mind.

He knows Creed is mad at him, he told him not to call him but it's also hurting him. Whenever he looks at the phone and does not see the man's number calling him it's slowly killing him. Yet he can't blame the man, he was the one who stopped him but he wanted Creed to insist. He wanted the man to come with him in the house and protect him, hold him but when he saw him driving off, Sean's heart broke into pieces. He was confused and scared. He needs someone to hold him, a tear slid down his face as he wiped it away quickly.

Now he was looking at the walls, talking to them like they can hear him, his head hurts and he doesn't know what to do. The pain was too much inside his heart and he couldn't control himself. Sean slowly stood up when someone knocked on his bedroom door. He put on a big shirt one of Creed's not bothering with boxers since the shirt reached his mid-thigh. He flew the door open finding Mr stone standing there looking at him up and down in disgust, sure he looked like a zombie but he didn't care.

"Why aren't you answering your phone, madam is calling you," the man barked without even asking why Sean was crying. No one cared about him and it hurts. He felt frustrated by this.

"That's all," he said not caring about that. No matter what he says, no matter how much he behaves the bitch will come back and punish him. Sean doesn't care right now, he has his problems to deal with than to deal with the bitch right now. The good thing Stone didn't find out that he even stepped out yesterday which he thanks God for.

"What did you say little boy" Mr stone scowled. "I asked you a question and I need an answer" he gritted his teeth demanding.

"I don't have an answer," Sean said without a care. He was tired of this.

"Stop being a brat and answer madam's calls, she's pissed or you will face it rough" the man warned.

"Do you think I care if she's mad or pissed? I don't care"

"I will tell her" Stone warned again.

"Go ahead for all I care" Sean closed the door in his face tired of the conversation. It was making his head spin, he felt nauseous as he ran to the bathroom gagging. He hadn't eaten since morning so he didn't have anything in his stomach to throw up. He brushed his teeth walking to his bed as he sat down pulling out his phone seeing fifteen missed calls from his wife. For the first time he didn't care about her. He wanted to call Creed, to hear the man's voice to calm down at least. He was tempted to call Creed and tell him to come, he wanted to cuddle with the man and cry in his embrace but at the same time, he didn't want to see that look on the man's face.

He might not end up aborting if he looks at him yet all he wanted was the man. In fact, he was craving him. If that's how the pregnancy is making him feel, he hates it so much. Sean was tired of depending on people, he wants to depend on himself.

With a big sigh, he pushed his phone away with a heavy sigh.

He was about to get up when a message popped up on his phone. He picked up his phone in the hurry thinking it was from Creed, he was disappointed when he saw that the message was from his beloved wife. Sean didn't want to open it, he was intrigued to know what she had sent him though,

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