Chapter 22

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"What happened," Creed asked doctor Kurtis when he walked out of Sean's room. Kurtis had been in there for like thirty minutes or so and Creed was fuckin freaking out since the blonde fainted. "Is he fine" Creed's voice held a lot of worries.

"Yes, he is" Kurtis responded "he just passed out that's all, you will see him but right now he needs to rest" Creed nodded slowly biting his lips hard nerves kicking in, he was worried, scared, confused and stressed. Too many emotions at once "I know you want to ask, it's ok to go ahead" he was like reading his mind. Creed hasn't wrapped his mind around the fact that Sean is pregnant.

A part of him thinks that it's a lie, a man can't get pregnant while a part of him is excited and praying that it was authentic. "Come let's talk in my office" Creed followed the man, at the way the painter looked, it seems like he had many questions to ask and he needs to drink some water according to how pale he was.

Reaching the office Creed sat down in one of Kurtis's chairs rubbing his face while nodding his head trying so hard to wrap or settle his mind around what was happening, after handing him a bottle of water Kurtis too sat down beside him. He saw the way the painter gulped down half of the water in hopes to calm his nerves but it did nothing, he was scared. Though Creed was a pro in hiding his nerves.

"Is it true" his voice was unsure "what you said earlier, is it true or you were bluffing" he finally looked at the doctor in the face trying to see if he was gonna burst out but it did not come and the look in the doctor's eyes showed him that it was true. He knows it's true but to believe it, it was the problem.

"You have known me for over decades son, your father is a great friend of mine," the doctor said seriously "if I haven't seen or did it myself I would say that they are lying but the evidence is there. That young man in that room is pregnant" Creed shook his head rubbing his forehead nodding.

"But how, he is a man and as far as I know it's impossible for....." the doctor cut him off.

"Things had changed these days son," he breathed in "Sean isn't the first male to get pregnant. Their are many men who are able to get pregnant. I myself have seen it before and I have some proof" he stood up from the couch going to his desk fumbling with some files as he pulled out a white file walking back with it taking his seatback "I have birthed more than ten male and here is the file. I know I shouldn't show you this, it's confidential but you're scared and you're like family to me. I need you to calm down" kurtis said sighing "and don't think that that young man is a freak or anything. I want to show you that it's absolutely normal for men to get pregnant. Things are changing over the years and what seems impossible, it's now possible" kurtis expended.

"Sean isn't a freak and I can never in my life refer to him as one. I know better" Creed said opening the file the doctor had handed him.

"I know you can't but some storm out of here calling them freak and I can't take it anymore" the doctor squeezed his shoulder he knew Creed's past.

"All these men had gotten pregnant" the man hummed as Creed continued to fumble through the file "how is it possible. I thought God gifted that to women only and we men can' know" Creed had so many questions.

"That's what I asked myself when I found out that Bryan is pregnant. He was the first man to get pregnant, maybe not the first one in the country but he was the first I have ever seen. I looked into it more, it's not that they are gifted with a woman's organs no" kurtis sighed

"You're familiar about estrogens and testosterone" Creeds nodded paying attention "ok that's good, so you see Sean, his testosterone is too low and when he slept with a man whose are too high that was bound to happen and it's normal nowadays as you can see all these are males" the doctor explained the easiest way he could.

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