Chapter 53

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Tigger warning... homophobic slurs ahead, read with caution.


It was her turn to take the stand, she walked gracefully, head held high after waving at her fans who cheered at her in encouragement, others telling her that they are on her side as if it was not self-explanatory. She vowed to say the truth and the truth only on the Holy Bible and Sean can see the displease on her face which no one can see. Anna was a person who loathed a Bible, she was antichrist, she only believed in herself not in some invisible thing she didn't see or know about.

Samuel, Anna's lawyer was the first one to ask her some few questions if you can say questions, in Sean's view those weren't questions, the man was taking the easy way out and Sean hated him. He asked him brutal questions but when it was her turn he just smiled at her asking her silly questions.

Sean looked at Nathan biting his lips nervously, he wanted to tell him to be rough on her but he didn't voice it, that will be toxic and he knows Nathan knows what he was doing. It was then his lawyer's chance to question her. Nathan stood up, steeping in front his hands in his pockets.

"Ms.Lopez how many years have you known Mr. Mckay," Nathan asked soothingly.

"I think thirteen or so, I don't recall properly" she answered shrugging.

"You've been married to him for nine years now, did you find out that he is gay before or after marriage," Nathan asked

"After marriage" Sean's eyes widened in shock.

"Are you sure ms Lopez?"  Nathan asked again?

"Yes I'm sure," Anna said confidently.

"Can I give you time to rethink your answer ms?" Nathan asked again? "You swore to tell nothing but the truth remember" her face turned sour instantly.

"Objection," Samuel said standing up. "Your honor he is pushing my client," Samual said after the judge granted him to speak.

"Can you please get to the point attorney Thompson?" The judge said. Nathan nodded.

"You got married on December 3rd 2012 right" Anna nodded "I have information here saying that on October 23rd the same year you went to the doctor asking him for viagra" Anna's eyes widened a little  before they went back to normal as if it never happened. "Why would you buy viagra, for what. Where you going to take it or..." Nathan asked handing a file to the judge and Samual.

"It wasn't mine" Anna said gritting her teeth.

"Obviously it wasn't, you're a woman but the question is why did you bye it, maybe you knew before getting married to my Client that he is gay and he can't get it up with you" Nathan was bitter, "it says here that you purchased two tins every month and when I took the medical taste we found viagra in my client's body. So ms. Lopez why did you purchase the medication when you didn't know that he was indeed gay" Anna was speechless.

"I didn't know that he was gay ok, I found out when we are already married" Anna drawled seriously.

"Ok... I'm going to show you some pictures and see if you know those people" Nathan was calm now. "These are twelve pictures and when I approached them, they all said the same thing expect thing" Nathan pulled out the pictures "they're a bit old but it will do " he showed them to her "do you know them" Anna shook her head no "take a closer look"

"I said I don't know them" Anna was getting pissed.

"Ok let me remained you " Nathan breathed out "those are some of the boys or say men because they're now...who were interested in Sean in high school, they asked him out but they never showed up on those dates. You were his best friend, how didn't you know that he was being pursued by those boys"

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