Chapter 44

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For a minute Sean stopped breathing, his life literally ceased. His mind was forge and numb. He couldn't stand, his legs felt weaker than usual, they wobbled at their own accord, they couldn't hold him at that very minute. He was shaking, he didn't even know if he was breathing, his body was foreign to him.

He stumbled backward, falling on his butt pain coursing through his body but he didn't feel it at all. He wasn't feeling anything at this very minute.

Tears weren't coming out of his eyelids, he felt his eyes hurt, everything in his body was aching painfully and he wanted all to stop, he can see people talking to him, or rather shouting, but it was all a blur to him, his mind and body weren't his.

All they could see was Sean but he wasn't here, only his body was. He didn't know what to think, he didn't know how to start thinking at this very minute. All he could think about was Creed, how the man used to sneak through the window to see him, how happy he was doing it. All he could see was his smile, his sparkling eyes which he adore so much. His soft voice while talking to him.

All he could think about was how the man still smiled at him when he wanted to abort his babies. He never forced him to do anything. Creed loves his children but he wanted Sean to decide what he wanted yet he loved them. Creed was a great man Sean had ever met in his life, he didn't deserve this fate, he didn't deserve dying like this, this was meant for him, not Creed.

If Sean knew that sneaking into that house would result in this, then he would have stopped it. He would have not told Creed to stay away but he was selfish. His desires won him over and made the man sneak into the house.

He now regrets everything. He would have stayed away.

"Sean" a panicked voice called but he was still in a daze. "Fuck wake up?" it said again, he can't determine who was talking.

"Sean try to breath and wake the fuck up," that brought him back from his delusional state releasing the breath he didn't know he was holding. He couldn't end it like this, he should breathe, Creed would want that he was sure, his babies will die with him and he can't let them die. He breathed in and out blinking rapidly trying to process his surroundings, taking deep breath pulling his hands away from Rhode's and his motherwho were holding them. Marlee, Rhode's boyfriend holding his head on his lap.

He looked at them for a few seconds, seeing how worried they are now. One thing Sean was tired of was that look, he was tired of worrying people. When will they be happy when he all does is worry them, with that thought in mind he forced himself to sit up taking much-needed air as he stood up.

"Sean you should sit down" that was Greg's worried voice. Sean hated this, Greg was worried about him yet he killed his son. He should hate him but no he was worried about him too and the look in Bree's eyes too was like Greg's. Sean hated it, when will all this end. He wants it to end, it started with him and it will end with him. Sean walked towards the kitchen going straight to the cabinet which held knives and blades. He pulled out a sharp knife putting it in his pockets.

"Sean what are you doing," his mother asked trying to hold his hand. Sean looked down at her his expression blank.

"I'm going to kill Annabel Lopez," Sean drawled like it was the simplest thing to do.

"Son listen...." He cut Greg off.

"She killed Creed, the love of my life" he gritted his mouth shivering glancing approximately at all the people standing in Creed's house "she killed the love of my life, she murdered the father of my children and I'm gonna end her too. And no one is stopping me" he pulled out the knife putting it in front of him scaring away anyone who was trying to reach him.

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