Chapter 45

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in exactly ten minutes Sean and Greg were outside the small station waiting for the man Nathan had told them . Sean was still anxious praying to God for Creed to be fine. He was pacing around like he had been doing at his house trying so much to take deep breaths as possible biting his lips making them draw blood. He was looking around wanting to take a glimpse of the man Nate had described but he was nowhere to be seen.

He can't even believe that he was still standing at this rate, he was so tired and everything arched in his body though he couldn't give up now, at least until he makes sure that his man was alright.

"standstill" Greg said sternly. "You're pregnant, you need to not stress yourself much, you need to think about them," the old man said rubbing his face. He was too stressed but had known how to handle it, not like Sean who was breaking out so much.

Sean thought about it and he knew Greg was right. He needs to cut it down and think about his babies. He needs to control himself before something bad happens to him. Sean walked to the small bench sitting near Greg who smiled at him as if telling him that he did well. They sat there for not more than two minutes until Sean spotted the man who Nathan might have told them. Sean stood up instantly when the guy got out of his car.

"Hello my name is Sean Mckay, are you, Bennett Hoffman," Sean asked to be sure he wasn't making a mistake.

"Yes that's me," the man said shaking hands with him. Sean introduced Greg by shaking hands and it was no surprise that the man knew who Greg was after all the man was famous due to his talent and more so his wife is one of the most famous ladies around. "Mr. Thompson-wright had told me about the situation," he said sternly "Now follow me and don't do or say anything unless I tell you to," the man said sternly. Sean and Greg nodded following the man inside the small station, yes he was old but his steps held some kind of power and the way he was speaking makes you wanna cave.

"Hello, how can I help you," The officer in front said looking at Greg and Sean rolling his eyes. Bennett pulled out a card showing it to the officer who quickly stepped out of his desk saluting the man in respect. Who was this man? Sean asked himself but didn't dwell on it.

"Where is your captain, " Bennett asked sternly. The officer ran off to the captain's officer in a hurry calling him. The captain got out of his office his eyes widening seeing who it was.

"General Hoffman," Captain Zachary saluted
the man his eyes holding nervousness. "What do I owe this pleasure sir," he asked nervously looking at Sean and Greg with pissed eyes but Sean can see the fear rendering the man's whole being.

"Let me hope what I'm hearing is not right captain," Bennett said his voice stern and dangerous

"What is that sir, if I may ask," the captain asked trying to calm down. He knew what was going and seeing Sean and Greg he knew everything was fucked.

"Did you arrest Creed Olsen yesterday?" Bennett asked in grit teeth. The captain shook his head no "I'm going to ask the last time, did you arrest Creed olsen, yes or no" Bennett asked once again.

"I was about to send his file to your office sir-"

"Yes or no" the general cut him off.

"Yes sir bu-" he again cut him off.

"Close down the station now no one leaves without my permission" The General ordered looking straight at the officer who was at the front desk who nodded quickly. "Captian Zachary show me the said prisoner now" the man all but growled. The captain felt like pissing himself at the way he was shaking in fear, he wanted to run but all other officers have gathered around now looking at the scene. Captain nodded without much protest leading them to the prisoner. Sean gasped the minute his eyes met Creed's form.

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