chapter 7

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Sean reached his and Anna's bedroom, his heart beating so hard "another day of bad sex" he muttered under his breath. He didn't have anything to do though, he was doing this for his family, for his mother so he had to endure this at least for a little longer. Sean gathered all his courage opening the door finding Anna getting out of the bathroom.  He tried to give her a smile but it couldn't come out at all. He was tired of smiling when he doesn't want too. Sean walked towards their walk in closet pulling out his towel walking towards the bathroom.

"Have you taken your pills" Anna asked with a hint of anger in her voice. Sean halted looking back at Anna as he walked straight to the drawer pulling out the tin of pills putting one in his palms. He threw the pill in his mouth swallowing it using his sliver. "I can't believe I have to first remind you!" Anna snarled at him "you give me a heartache Sean. You're so useless!" She added pulling on Sean's chin who was looking down so that he can look at her.

"Sorry mama" Sean muttered his eyes blank.

"Go shower and make sure to brush your teeth. Your breath sticks" Anna let go of Sean's chin roughly after making sure that she had dug her nails into it. He just walked inside the bathroom without another word. Tears streaming down his face but he didn't let out any sound whatsoever. He striped his clothes off taking a quick shower. His hand lingered on the scar on his thigh which disgusted him.

He took his time in the shower not in the hurry to fuck something he didn't want. Sean loathes vagina's so much, he first takes Viagra to please his own wife, that's how much he hates them. He wonders why Anna was still with him, he doesn't get it, Anna knew from the Start that Sean was gay, she knew everything but she insisted on marrying him. Sean's sexuality wasn't hidden whatsoever, he was a proud gay man who knew what he wanted.

That's why Sean didn't freak out much when Creed found out, a matter of fact he didn't care that the man knows, he was freaked out because Anna doesn't want anybody to know about his sexuality if anybody finds out Sean will get it from her. He remembers the day he got that scar and he really doesn't want that to happen to him again. It was so horrible, Sean doesn't want to remember it at all.

Anna was a monster,Sean had gotten to see that monster side of her. It's not that Anna was like this, no, she was the sweetest person Sean had ever met in his life. Sean trusted Anna too much he missed all the signs.........

"What the hell are you doing in the bathroom" for a woman she can growl like an animal. He wanted to laugh at his thoughts but put away his teeth brush getting out of the shower with only a towel slung loosely around his waist.

"Sorry" he muttered silently standing in front of her awkwardly not knowing what to do. When he saw that Anna wasn't looking at him rather on his phone strolling through it Sean moved to the closet pulling out his sweatpants.

"Are you kidding me right now!" Sean turned around with confusion in his eyes " we are going to make love and you're putting on, who is going to remove them huh. Just sit on the bed naked and wait for my instructions" Anna barked angrily. Sean throws the sweatpants away, pulling off the towel to walk to the bed sitting on his side with his head pulled between his legs. Sean was worried, for his dick not getting hard, by now it should be hard as a rock but no it wasn't at all. He looked at it worriedly and asking himself what the hell was happening.

"I see Rhode called" Anna muttered to herself "what did she want and why didn't you tell me" she asked

"She needed some money, sorry I forgot" Sean lied even though Rhode had spent like an entity without asking him for money.

"Remind me to deposit some for her and tell her to use it carefully, I work so hard to get that money, it's not easy" she said putting Sean's phone on the drawer muttering that it was boring."come to mama" she smiled sweetly at Sean. Sean did what she had asked crawling towards her. "Sit on my lap" she ordered again as Sean did what she had said "I'm so horny for you baby you know that" she pressed a sweet kiss on Sean's mouth. Sean felt like she was rubbing Creed's lips off. He was still feeling that tingling sensation on his lips but Anna kissing him there felt.....

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