chapter 4

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Creed was at his studio, he was trying so hard to focus on the portrait he was working on but it was difficult when all his head and mind was somewhere else. That's the bad thing about art, once you're not focused nothing can go your way. He was trying so hard to focus on his work, for gods sakes he needed this to be done coz he has so many paints he has to work on but he can't when his mind was on blue-eyed boy he saw a few days ago.

The moment Creed laid his eyes on the boy his heart skipped a beat and he felt like he wants to know the boy more. The more he looked at the boy the more he saw more than sadness in those beautiful eyes of his. It has taken two years without Creed feeling these kind of things for anyone but his heart couldn't take it when he met Sean.

He was so drawn to the man he forgot his surroundings. He watched Sean since he got there and if Creed tells you that he knows how Sean breaths believe it. It took only hours for him to study Sean, Creed just wanted to hold Sean in his arms and never let go like ever, the feeling which had lost for years, it's back and this time it's like magnate, he saw too much and he knew Annabel is not the person everyone thinks she is.

Creed will not assume things but what he saw made him think other wise. One thing he didn't like was the way Annabel treated Sean like his house boy or boy toy which Creed didn't like. She treats him like a lap dog other than her husband, everyone was so oblivious about it but he wasn't. He had been thinking too much and he couldn't get an answer. The way Sean reacted made him know that something was wrong but what? Creed doesn't get it like at all, if Sean doesn't want to be with her then why the hell is he still married to her.

He was confused.

And if Creed's assumption where right then why the hack was Sean with Annabel, a woman. He watched Sean sniff his jacket like his life depended on it and no straight man absolutely no straight man can sniff another man's jacket like that.

Creed had been gay for all his life and his gaydar never lied to him, he knows a gay guy when he sees one and Sean was just..... Creed will not assume things before he can confirm them but his gaydar never disappointed him. All he wants was to see Sean again but he was so stupid to not ask for his number. He would have called him or something and he was so sure Annabel won't allow him back at the house with all means. He saw how she looked at him and Creed knew he wasn't liked so much.

But all he wants was to know more about the blue-eyed boy, what more secrets was he hiding and the question was does Annabel know?. He sighed for a hundredth time today yet the day is still young and when his focus went back to the portrait he had again messed up.


He cursed under his breath pulling the canvas away from the easel throwing it away, he saw the man once but why was he messing with his head to the point he can't settle. Ugh he hates this.

"What's up with You dude!" Colt one of his friends and co-worker asked. Creed looked at him confused not getting why he was asking "that's the eighth portrait you have destroyed today and yesterday you destroyed thirty, then the day before get what I mean so what's up" Colt added putting his paintbrush over his ear looking at his friend.

"Yeah what's wrong!" Cher another one of Creed's friend asked her too looking at Creed with concerned expression.

"It's nothing guys go back to work, remember we have only two months and we barely did anything" Creed shrugged it off picking up another canvas placing it on the easel again.

"We can't work when you sigh loudly every now and then. Just spill man," Hunter asked rolling his eyes. He was also Creed's friend.

"It's nothing guys!" Creed didn't know how to say it, how can he start telling his friends about Sean when in a normal sense he doesn't know anything about the man. The only thing he knows was that he is a good cook, that's all.

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