chapter 19.

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"I don't think I can do this!" Sean whined for the up tenth time pleading at the painter.

"Yes, you can" Creed assured caressing his cheek to calm him down.

"What if they come in and I'm gone" Sean asked his heart pounding.

"I have been with you for three weeks Sean, no one comes into this house as long as you pick up Anna's calls" yes three weeks had passed with Creed sneaking in to Sean's house almost every day he has to come. Nowadays Creed's house doesn't even smell him because he spends most of his time with the blonde locked up in the house. Which Creed hates because they are limited but as long as he is with Sean, that's all matters.

He had gotten accustomed to being with the blonde and the more time he spends with him the more Creed falls for him more. Creed was attached to Sean so much, the painter feels like he can't live without him in his life. He had gotten addicted to Sean's smell and company which appeases him to no end. Creed thinks he had fallen for the blonde yet he was still confused about this feelings he has. How can he fall for someone who he hadn't known for that long.

"Look at you babe you look pale, you need some fresh air" Creed added pressing a tender kiss on Sean's forehead lovingly. Sean really looks bad, he isn't leaving the house at all and the way he was gaining weight worries Creed. He thinks that Sean is stress eating coz the blonde can eat. His mouth doesn't rest at all, he even wakes up late at night to eat. He is always hungry and he eats more than he could. It's not that Creed doesn't want Sean to eat but the man is overdoing it which has started to worry him.

"We have gone through this baby, please. Today's a Saturday let's go enjoy and I promise to bring you back in one piece" Creed convinced again.

"If something happens I'm going to kill you," Sean said with one big sigh, worry weighing through him while he bites his nails.

"You said that already" Creed smiled at him.

"Ok let me go get something to eat first than we can go" Creed stopped him before he could leave.

"We are going out, we will stop at a restaurant and eat something" Creed suggested.

"I don't think I can wait that long, I'm so fuckin hungry" Sean looked like he was in pain as he touched his belly.

"Sean you have just eaten five minutes ago, you can't tell me that your that hungry to not wait for twenty minutes" Creed pointed out. Sean looked at him with wide eyes.

"B-but I want to eat now" Sean didn't know what happened but tears started streaming down his face rapidly. He had no control of them. He felt too much emotions flowing in his entire body. Why doesn't Creed not allow him to eat. He wants to eat, if he doesn't eat he was gonna die of hunger.

"Don't cry baby, it's ok go get something to eat ok. I will wait for you here" Creed didn't know what to do. Sean has many emotions, sometimes he starts crying out of nowhere and when Creed asks him what is the matter he just brushes him off. Sometimes Sean himself doesn't know why he cries but he feels overwhelmed without even doing anything and he starts crying, maybe he has too many problems that are stuck in his mind and he starts crying. He thought.  Sean pulled Creed in to a hug sobbing lowly in Creed's chest "there baby it's ok, what are you going to eat" Creed asked.

"I want sausage pizza" Sean muttered.

"Do you have some downstairs" Sean nodded "can I go get it for you"  Creed again asked. "Where is it" Creed's voice was soft voice which calmed down the blonde.

"In the oven" Sean muttered. Creed walked him on the bed sitting him down telling him he will be back "bring it all" Sean said before Creed could move out of the guest room. Creed smiled at him moving out, he walked slowly making sure that no one can see him,  he was conscious because if they see him Sean would be in trouble and him too.

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