chapter 14.

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Three and half weeks had passed Sean had not seen Creed again. Yes, they used to talk on the phone and that was enough for Sean, hearing Creed's voice was enough even though he craved seeing him but as long as he talked to him it was so damn enough until Annabel decided to confiscate his phone four days ago just because Sean had his phone with him in the bathroom and the bitch thought Sean was having a secret conversation with someone in there. That day Sean wasn't talking to anyone, he just moved with his phone in the bathroom unconsciously.

He didn't mean to but now he has nothing to contact with Creed, his Mum, brother, and his sister. Sean was tired of all this, especially when he doesn't have any control of this. One heart tells him to run away and never look back but another one tells him other wise. If he runs away what will happen to his mother, her therapy sessions, his brother needs better education but Sean was so tired.

He misses all of them but most especially Creed, everything was going great, he had gotten someone who was so understanding and whom he likes for the first time in years but again Anna had to ruin it like usual. Sean hates himself for being so weak and cowardly, if his father was here he would have been disappointed in him, he didn't teach him to be a coward, he taught him better than this.

Sean wonders if his father was here everything would have been better, non of this would have happened in their lives. He would have been who he wants to be than being a lap dog of a bitch like Anna. His father would have known how to deal with things, but Sean was so stupid to believe Annabel, he was so stupid to believe that the world was black and white. now he knows, not everything is gold like it looks.

The woman had ruined his life, Sean was now 27 years old turning 28 in a few months without anything going on in his life, he was unhappily married, a stay home husband who doesn't even has the privilege to leave the house without being escorted by a fuckin huge man or asking permission.  With no job, with no experience in nothing. Sean hates his life, but yet again that's not the life he wants for his siblings. If he has to go through all this for them so be it.

He will go to hell and back if it means that his family gets a better life than his. He knows if his father was here, he would have done the same for his family, he would have sacrificed his fuckin life for them but since he wasn't here he had to step up and take that job which was dropped on him when he was still a teenager. Sean knows no one forced him to marry Anna it was his decision because he wanted his family to have a better life but yet again Anna was a conniving, manipulative bitch who deceive him.

Sean trusted her but she broke his trust like it was nothing. He hates himself for believing a bitch like her. He sighed as he looked up in the sky, seeing the white clouds moving around "dad what can I do" he whispered eyes upon the sky. He feels like he wants to give up "I'm so tired dad" a tear slipped out of his eye slipping down his cheek as he wiped it away immediately. He looks pathetic.

Sean felt his throat close up forming a knot in his stomach and he felt like throwing up but he swallowed it down. He again looked at his neighbours house where Creed passed the other day, Sean had been wanting to talk to the gatekeeper since Anna took his phone but he doesn't know how to. He can see the man walking around but Sean was far away ,he was standing at the balcony of his bedroom where he can see everything outside yet he wasn't allowed to get out.

He sighed his eyes wandering until he spotted a black jeep parked across the road. There was a man standing outside of it and by the looks of it he was looking straight at Sean. Sean blinked several times to try and see the guy more but he couldn't since he was far. He knew that the guy was looking at him because the guy was facing his way but he couldn't know. Sean looked at the man trying to see who it was or make out the figure of the person but it was all blurry.

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