Chapter 27

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"You were going to have triplets"

Sean gawked at the doctor trying to process what he had just said. He was looking at him dumbly, he couldn't believe what his ears are telling him. He looked up at Creed and the painter also had the same expression as his "What have you said" Sean cleared his voice shifting in bed uncomfortable.

"Did you just say triplets?" Creed asked his mouth still hanging open, Sean can feel his palm sweating as he hold on to him tightly for dear life, he thinks he stopped breathing for a minute, this was making him lose control.

"Yes son, look here" he turned the ultrasound machine towards them so that they can see properly. Creed leaned in closely too "see here, this is the first baby" he showed them the bean they have just seen before "see here, it's another one, and here is the third one hiding in the second one. Those are their heartbeats" Kurtis showed them and now they can see clearly and indeed the blonde and the painter can see three beans moving around softly. Doctor kurtis was glad he did this ultrasound because he was about to make the biggest mistake of his life. He thought it was one yet they were three, how did he miss this, he was sure he checked very well the last time. He checked a week ago but how come he have missed it.

If he didn't do it again, the blonde might have died in surgery and it will have been all his fault. The man looked up thanking God that he always does this before an abortion. He mostly does this because he wants the parent to see their adorable baby before pulling them out. Some change their minds after seeing them like this and others don't but he makes sure to preach to them but he doesn't force anyone. If you're bound to abort then he will be at your service but if you change your mind then he is more than happy.

Some change their minds and refuse to keep the baby and doctor kurtis makes sure to get you some people who are willing to adopt him or her. The man was always happy with his job.

Sean inhaled deeply all his eyes on the scanner trying to get his head around it. He can't believe he was going to abort three babies, not one but three. Doctor kurtis printed the sonogram out handing it to them as he turned off the machine looking at both of them.

"By the way they are health," he says but no one was listening to him, both Sean and Creed were in deep thoughts. "Do you want us to continue this or I give you some time?" kurtis asked? They were both still in a daze,

"Give me a minute," Sean said not believing what had happened. The doctor nodded getting out after telling them to call him when they are ready. Sean can't believe he was about to kill not only one but three healthy babies. But the question is, is Sean going to go through it or not.

He lifted his eyes gazing at Creed who had his eyes on the sonogram in his hands, not believing it at all. He was going to be a father of three.

"I'm sorry" Sean muttered inhaling deeply as he pushed himself into the pillows again. A tear slid down his face. This was too much for him to handle. He heard Creed take deep breaths as he turned around looking at him putting on a fake smile.

"Why are you sorry" he made sure he wasn't showing any emotions in his voice but he sucked at it. He sat down on the bed sonogram in his hands holding it tightly in his shaky hands as he bit his lips hard for not to tremble. If he didn't cry before, then he is going to cry now.

"W-will you b-be here with m-me" Sean stuttered not being able to control his tears anymore flowing on their own.

"Truth is, it's hard looking at them when  I'm not going to hold them" he looked at the sonogram kissing it softly as he put his gaze back at Sean "but Sean I love you and I'm willing to be here every step of the way. This doesn't change anything baby. you're not ready to have them and I understand that hundred percent" Creed breathed in looking in Sean's teary eyes.

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