chapter 6

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Sean's eyes were wide in shock, Creed was kissing him. His mind went numb not knowing what to think or do at this moment. To say that Sean was expecting this, would be an understatement. He didn't know what to do with his lips. All he was asking himself was, should I kiss back, why would a straight man like Creed kiss him. But was he straight? Was Sean reading too much into this? Creed was moving his soft lips to his slowly, his eyes closed, his palms on Sean's cheeks holding him gently yet protectively. Sean didn't know what to do right now, he wasn't kissing back, he was still in shock trying to process what the hell was happening but Creed's lips pressed against his felt so fuckin good.

Why wasn't he kissing back? That remind a mystery to him too. A man was kissing him, a real man and on top of that a hot handsome man but what was Sean doing, he was fuckin staring.

He got out of his shock when Creed bit his lips harshly gasping with a soft hiss opening in his mouth giving Creed access to thrust his tongue inside his warm mouth and When Creed's tongue collided with Sean's, he felt weak in that moment. It felt so good and right. it was rough and at the same time gentle. His whole body trembled in several turmoils.

Sean's eyes fluttered close unconsciously moving his mouth to Creed's slowly zoning out the whole world. Sean's hands moved on its own gripping the sides of Creed's torso hard wanting to hold on to something. Seeing that Sean was kissing him back Creed increased the pace of the kiss pushing his tongue down the blondes thoart hard making the blonde to groan in his mouth..

Creed pulled Sean closer deepening the kiss, biting, sucking and nipping on the delicious lips he had ever tasted in his life. The blonde tasted so much better than anyone he had ever kissed in this world and he didn't want to let go.

Sean had never kissed a man before and he always wonders how it would feel but to hell it felt exquisite. He always wondered how it would feel like for a real man to dominate his mouth like creed was doing and he felt like he might pass out, the clicking of teeth, the sucking, nipping brought things to Sean's body. Creed's lips felt good on his own, like they were meant to be pressed on his forever.

They were soft yet rough and he tasted so damn good, the strong hand holding him in place made him lose his mind. Sean pushed himself towards Creed's body blocking all the thoughts so that he can savor the moment. He concentrated his numb mind on the kiss and he couldn't help but moan at how it felt and those sexy grunts the man was letting out, were making him dizzy. No body had ever kissed him like this, Creed's lips were addicting. Sean let out a high-pitched moan when the painter nibbled on his lower lip harshly sucking on it like it was the best thing he had gotten for the day.

Sean's little him was getting out of hand. He can feel Creed's hard-on pressed against his thighs and the way it felt made Sean moan in pleasure, it was a real dick pressed on him. Only the thought made him jump up getting out of control. He wanted Creed so badly, he had never needed something like he needs it now. Sean whined when Creed pulled away both of them panting, he wanted for it to not end. Sean wished for it to not end, to stay like this with Creed. His heart was racing, pounding hard in his chest at the new unfamiliar feeling.

He slowly opened his hooded eyes finding the golden ones already looking at him while caressing his cheek with his thumb. Sean leaned in to the touch gazing in Creed's captivating eyes. Creed had a small smile which made Sean's legs to buckle. That damned beautiful smile. Sean thought swallowing trying to catch his breath. He wanted to ask why Creed kissed him but he didn't have power to ask when the man was looking at him like that.

"You're so sweet" Creed whispered pecking Sean's lips once again.

"Creed-" Sean called gulping a lump in his throat "w-why d-did yo-" he stuttered not able to construct a sentence. Creed smiled at him leaning in again pressing a lingering sweet kiss on Sean's lips which made butterflies to invade Sean's stomach. Sean trembled sightly his whole body in need of something he himself didn't know yet his body understands it perfectly. Something he had never had a privilege to feel.

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