Chapter 51

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"I have never done this before, I normally post pictures of myself never made a live video like this ever. But I had to, I am in too much pain, I feel betrayed, I feel cheated and it hurts so much. Never in my life would have thought that the person I love the most would do something like this. I thought we were in love, but why..." for the first time Anna wasn't wearing any makeup.

"You all know that I'm married. I have been married to my husband for nine years now and we dated for four years. We were high school sweethearts, my husband never liked to be in public but I'm fed up. Here is the picture of him" she showed her viewers Sean's photo, "cute... I know" she muttered.

"I didn't want to put this in public but it's too much for me it hurts..." she cried harder. Wiping her face with her hands tears streaming down frivolous. "It hurts because the person I have put all my trust in betrayed me, the person I have loved for all my life is causing all this pain" she breathed in "you cheated on me, I forgave you, you brought your lover in my house, I still forgave you, Sean, now I'm the bad guy here. you asking for a divorce is ok, people divorce now and then. You asked for many assets and I didn't have a problem with it, I was going to give you all you asked but you suing me...why Sean" she cried harder than before.

"What did I do to you to deserve this, I have taken care of your family, I educated your siblings but you're doing this, what hurts the most is that you're suing me for something I didn't even do" She looked in the camera her eyes red so full of pain. "You even didn't cheat with a woman but with a fucken man. If you were a gay or bisexual or any sort, you would have told me and I would have let you go but you went ahead and did this"

"The fact that the man who took you is one of my friends hurts more you both betrayed my generosity. Creed Olsen" she showed the photo of Creed "Luna Olsen is one of my best friends, i know you all know her. my mistake was introducing them to my husband and now I regret it. Everything was fine until Creed. How dare you come into my house and sleep with my husband under my nose, in my bed, what do you think I'm feeling. I have done nothing to you, you took my husband and its ok as long as you will treat him right. I can't believe this" she shook her head "you do this but again I want you to be happy" she inhaled deeply looking up at the ceiling "God take this Golden heart of mine away" she laughed sadly.

"Look at me my beautiful followers,do you think I can hurt anyone?" she asked swallowing her face so innocent. "the fact that my husband is suing me for abusing his boyfriend is beyond me" she passed a hand through her short hair "After finding out that they are cheating on me under my own roof, I was pissed, angry and frustrated so I threw him in jail for breaking inside my house, that's all I did, I swear, I didn't know that the police beat him up. It's new to me when I heard about it and now I'm getting sued for assault. As if I'm the one who told the police to beat him up. It was a surprise to me too" she shouted

"instead of suing the fucken police they're suing me.ME. Sean had done me wrong yes but you know me, you've known me for so long. I swear I never assaulted your whatever, you know it and Creed knows it but why are you manipulating this, if you want Sean so bad, take him but please leave me alone. I'm tired of fighting the battle I know I won't win and the fact that Bree and Greg are supporting this hurts....though I can't blame them, they are your parents, they have to be by yourside but why" she put her hands over her face crying harder.

"I can't take this any more guys sorry, this is too much, I just wanted to tell my people the truth if in case this goes wrong. If they put me in prison" She cried harder than before, "thanks for listening" she turned off the camera.

"That bitch, I swear to God I'm going to kill her" Sean exclaimed pulling on his hair frustrated. "How can she lie to the world like that, ugh... I want to fucken punch someone right now" he yelled pacing around the room "I'm tired of her, fuck, I fucken hate her with all my being," he said again trying so hard to breathe. She had taken this to a higher level and Sean hates it.

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