This Moment

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Prem's POV

(Mature Content to Follow if you don't like it, you can skip.)

"Wad," I call, walking into the dorm, and I am met with silence. Glancing at the bathroom door, I listen for the sound of running water and don't hear any. Where is Wad? I pull out my phone and call him. I turn back to the door when I hear a phone on the other side.

"Hello?" I hear Wad say on the other side.

"You home?" I ask, smiling as I wait for him to come inside I move away from the door.

"Just," Wad answers, and I listen as he opens the door. "I stopped by and picked up something to eat. Where are you?" He asks as he steps into the room.

"Here," I reply and watch as his head snaps up.

"Goof," He grins at me and holds up the bag, "Have you eaten?"

"Nope," I tell him as I take the bag from him. "How was SOTUS today?"

"Busy," Wad sighs, "Getting ready for the gear ceremony is a lot of work." He pauses, and taking off his tie, and looks at me, "Who is handing out the gear this year?"

"I don't know," I answer, turning to the table to lay out the food, "Didn't N'Yacht say?" I know who it is, but it is not supposed to be revealed until the gear ceremony.

"Funny," Wad snorts, "I don't understand why it has to be a secret to us. We have our gears."

"T stands for tradition, and traditions should be followed," I shrug. "Besides, when you are a hazer, you will understand."

"Do you think I will be chosen?" Wad questions. "I have to wonder if I will be considering how I participated during my SOTUS?"

"I don't see why you wouldn't be," I tell him, "I think you will make a great hazer because of what happened during yours."

"Are you saying I got a great example of what to do?′ Wad asks with a raised eyebrow and a hint of a smile.

"Well, you got an example," I snort. "I won't say what kind, though."

"Why were you so late?" Wad asks, joining me at the table.

"We had to help Ai'Tee," I explain, beginning to eat.

"P'Tee?" Wad pauses and frowns at me, "Why did he need help?"

"Something to do with him and Ai'Ice," I explain, "Ai'Tee planned a birthday surprise for Ai'Ice."

"Oh, that is nice," Wad nods in understanding. "Wait. Does this have anything with P'Tutah killing you?"

"How did you know?" I grumble. "And he won't kill us. Maim but not kill. Too many funerals to plan and all." Wad snorts. "What is so funny?"

"That is what Ai'Oak said," Wad chuckles.

"N'Oak?" I look at him quizzically.

"Yeah," Wad grins, "P'Tutah messaged Ai'Oak and told him he was sorry, but he would be killing our boyfriends. Ai'Oak warned us we might be single again soon, but he doubted P'Tutah would carry through on the threat."

I smile, remembering what we heard outside Tutah's door. Maybe we will survive, and he might be too happy to commit murder tomorrow and speaking of happy...

"Why are you grinning like a maniac?" Wad asks hesitantly. "You look insane." At this moment, I probably do look a little deranged, considering the thoughts I am having.

I don't say anything but go over to him and hold out a hand. 

"Prem?" Wad asks as he places his hand in mine, "What are you up to?" Making my way to the bed, I sit on the end and pull Wad in between my legs.

#SOTUS Continued: Book Two A BoysLove TaleWhere stories live. Discover now