Present Choice

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Tee's POV

"That is the family I come from, "Ice shrugs, "Loveless, materialistic, and all show." He looks up, and I barely hear him add, "I don't want to be that."

I notice a movement to my right and find my dad standing at my open door. How long has he been there? I glance over at Ice. Did he hear Ice's secret? I quickly turn back to Dad. Did he hear mine? I can't read his expression, and before I can say anything, he walks away. Shit!

"I need to..." I start.

"Go ahead," Ice shrugs, "I think you might need to explain."

"Thank you," I mutter before I follow after my dad. I find him in the back garden watering.

"Dad?" I call.

"I knew," Dad says, still with his back to me. "I knew," He repeats.

"I'm sorry," I mumble.

"For what, Tee," Dad asks, turning to me.

"Everything," I shrug, "Nothing." I squeak when I get sprayed with water. "What was that for?"

"You looked like you needed some water," Dad grins at me, "I thought I raised you better, Tee. You know the victim is never to blame. Ever."

"But," I start and get cut off by my dad.

"Ever," He repeats firmly, and I nod.

"When did you figure it out?" I ask, sitting on a bench.

"When you asked for help for your friends," Dad explains, going back to watering. "You said just enough to make me realize that that was why you left the faculty of your dreams," I watch as my dad runs his hand through his hair, "Why didn't you tell me?"

"I was embarrassed," I mutter, "I felt tainted and stupid that I let it happen to me.

"Well, you were stupid," My dad tells me, looking back at me.

"Huh?" I look at him.

"Not because you let it happen," My dad continues, "But because you didn't ask for help. The saddest thing I encounter during my job are victims who stayed silent." He holds up his hand to stop me when I go to say something. "It is sad because even after what happened to them, they are still trapped at that moment. They gave the person who hurt them more power over their lives by keeping quiet and, in the end, let that person victimize them over and over again with just guilt."

"But," I interrupt.

"But nothing, Tee," Dad says, "You did nothing wrong. Look up the word victim. It will say a person harmed. Nowhere does it say responsible for what happened."

"I should have told you," I sigh.

"Yes," Dad agrees, "You should have." He joins me on the bench. "Do the friends you helped know?"

"I never said it outright," I answer, "But they are a smart group, so I am sure they have figured it out."

"Well, N'Knott was never stupid or one that could put up with it," Dad chuckles, "So I am sure his friends are just as capable."

"They are," I agree.

"The nongs that came over," Dad asks, "Did N'KNott send them to check on N'Ice?"

"I don't know if it was Ai'KNott or N'Kongpop's Ai'Arthit who did," I wonder, "It could have been Ai'Bright that told N'Aim."

"Now I am confused," Dad looks at me, "N'Konpop's who? And are the seniors just ordering nongs around?"

I just stare at my dad as what I just said is running on a loop as I try to figure out how to explain it.

"Tee?" My dad frowns at me.

#SOTUS Continued: Book Two A BoysLove TaleWhere stories live. Discover now