Good Things

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P'Dear's POV

"You OK?" Win asks me. I nod. "You have been staring at yourself for ten minutes, Dear." He walks up behind me, resting his chin on my shoulder as he wraps his arms around my waist. "What's on your mind?"

"I can't believe this day came," I answer, looking at my reflection. I don't add the tail end of that thought.

"And your parents are not here," Win finishes it for me. I nod as I start to fall apart. I thought I could do this. I have had a while to come to terms with the fact that my parents have turned their backs on me, but it doesn't mean it still doesn't hurt. Win turns me around, and I let him hold me as I cry. What did I do that was so wrong?

"Why couldn't they have done this last thing," I sniff, "I worked so hard for this. I wanted them to be proud of me."

"I know, Dear," Win rubs my back. "I sometimes wish we hadn't..." I pull away.

"Hadn't what, Win?" I demand, "Loved each other? Met? What?" Win strokes my cheek.

"None of those," Win tells me, "Never any of those, Dear." Cupping my cheek, he goes on, "Do you know how happy I am that you are back in my life?" I take a shuddering breath. "I just think we should have waited to tell them until after you graduated." I try to say something, but he lays his finger over my lips. "Only for the reason that they would have been here, nothing more. I hate that they are doing this to you because of me."

"Not because of you," I sigh, "Because they don't accept who I am or the fact that I love you." I look back at my reflection, "My father, I understand, but I thought my mom would still be here." Win once again holds me as I dissolve into tears. Losing my mom hurt me the most. I have always been a mama's boy. What am I now?

"I wonder about your mom," Win says, "How much of this is her decision or your father's."

"I know," I sniff, "I wonder, too."

The boxes when they arrived were neat and all of the things I had treasured all my life were packed with care. That was my mom. My father probably would have thrown everything away instead of sending it to me.

"I have some news," Win kisses my cheek, "Do you want to hear it?"

"Only if it is good," I sniffle, "I only want to hear good things today."

"I got a job offer," Win tells me, and I freeze. He has been interviewing for jobs, and the last one was in Chang Mai. I have accepted a position at the place I interned here in Bangkok. What will happen to us if he finds a job in another city?

"You told me only to tell you if it was good news, Dear." Win smiles. I nod. "It is here and close to where your job is." I pull back to see his face. Is this real? He smiles at me as he wipes away the tears.

"Really?" I croak, "Here in Bangkok? What about the job in Chang Mai?"

"I was offered both," Win grins, "But the one in Chang Mai has fewer things going for it than the one here."

"What things?" I question.

I hope he didn't give up a good job just to be able to stay here. We would have figured out how to make it work. He deserves the best position. I am happy his reference issue hadn't caused as many problems as I thought it would. Several alumni stepped forward and gave some to him when they found out what was happening with the professors. I also heard the alumni were going to do something to address those professors. They are still upset that the staff allowed what happened to go unchecked.

"Pay for one," Win answers, "It was less. Plus, the benefits package was lacking. I admit there was a faster chance for advancement there, but I was concerned with the company's stability being a startup. All of which I wouldn't have to be concerned with here." He kisses my nose, "And for a bonus, I get to live with my boyfriend." He smiles at me. "That is one hell of a perk if you ask me."

#SOTUS Continued: Book Two A BoysLove TaleWhere stories live. Discover now