Have A Talk

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Arthit's POV

My dad watched Kongpop all through dinner and didn't say much. I know he didn't disown me, but I can tell he is still unsure about this. While Mom and Kongpop are cleaning up, I came to have a talk with my dad.

"You know Mom will kill you if she catches you smoking," I tell my dad when I walk out on the porch and find him smoking. "I thought you quit?"

"I did," My dad sighs. I go and stand by him, watching as he blows smoke rings. When I was a kid, I used to think my dad was the coolest person ever when he did that, but now I know just how much damage he is causing to his lungs.

"Then why are you smoking?" I ask. "And if you quit, why did you have a pack?"

"This is my emergency stash," Dad tells me.

"Was it that hard?" I question. It must have been for him to be smoking.

"To quit?" My dad looks at me, raising an eyebrow. "It wasn't..."

"To accept me, Dad," I cut in, "Was it that hard?"

"Yes and no, Oon," Dad admits, "To be honest, I am still not completely for this, but..."

"But," I ask shakily.

"But I am not willing to lose my son over something that might just be temporary," Dad sighs.

"It is not temporary, Dad," I inform him, "Just like Kongpop said, this is not a whim. I don't know why I do, but I love him." My dad turns and stares at me without saying a word. I roll my eyes when I feel myself blush.

"How?" Dad asks.

"How, what?" I look at him, confused.

"How did he get you to notice he liked you?" My dad asks, and I remember my friends telling me how oblivious I am.

"I am not oblivious," I glower, hoping this is not what my dad wants to know.

"Yes, Oon, you are," My dad smirks, "Amazingly so for someone so smart. I have watched plenty of girls flirt with you over the years, and you never once picked up on it."

"I don't know what you are referring to," I snort, "You are just reading more into people's actions." I know I would have noticed someone flirting with me. I am not that stupid. "They were just nice to me, is all."

"Maybe I should go ask your boyfriend," Dad chuckles.

"You ask, Kongpop, anything like that, and I will tell Mom you are smoking," I warn.

"Then how did he get your attention?" Dad turns to me. "Explain it to me because I want to know how that nong did it."

"We fought," I growl, "He challenged me the first day of SOTUS and every day after. It was annoying as hell." I will not tell my dad that on the first day, he declared he would make me his wife. Yeah, no. Not a conversation you would want to have with your dad in this or any lifetime. I smile, remembering Kongpop's persistence.

"He annoyed you into dating?" My dad looks at me, confused.

"You wanted to know how he got my attention," I roll my eyes, "That is how."

"So instead of being nice," Dad states, "All those girls you just smiled at should have been mean to you?"

"Kongpop wasn't mean to me," I scratch the back of my neck, "I really can't explain it. He just got under my skin and later..." I trail off as I feel my face get warm.

"And later?" Dad prods.

"Nothing," I say, placing a hand on my cheek.

"And later?" Dad repeats.

#SOTUS Continued: Book Two A BoysLove TaleWhere stories live. Discover now