Don't See It

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Bright's POV

Help me. Being watched. Threatened. Help me.

The words are glaring back at me. How did I miss this when Kammon was with me at graduation? Threatened? Is that why he didn't say anything? Being watched? Did he believe they would be there amongst all the people?

"Bright!" Tutah shouts as he shakes me.

"What?!?" I yell back at him. Glancing around, I can see everyone is looking at me, concerned. "Why didn't he say anything?" I ask, feeling lost. "Why?"

"Bright," Tutah says quietly, "We can't fall apart now. We need to figure this out." He grabs my shoulder, "I promise you can fall apart later." I nod.

"Ai'Bright," Tee calls, and I look over at him, "When was the last time you had a normal conversation with him?" Tee pauses, looking over the board, "Did you have any after he went back home?"

"I did," I answer, remembering what I would classify as our last normal conversation. "It was when we were deciding what to wear to P'Dear's graduation. We did a video chat."

"Did you notice if anything off?" Knott questions taking a closer look at the board.

"No," I say, "It was a normal Kammon conversation."

"What day was that?" Prem inquires, going to stand by Knott. I pull out my phone, scroll through my call history, and find the one I am talking about. I look up at the timeline Kammon's posts have made, walk over, and draw a line between two posts. "There."

"Ai'Aim, where is your laptop?" N'Oak asks, standing up.

"In my room," N'Aim answers, "Why?"

"Because we don't see it. We are missing part of the story," N'Oak says, "We are only seeing what he is showing us, and even that is in code. So what does he see that we are not."

"What are you going to do, nong?" P'Boon looks over at N'Oak.

"Hack his account," All of the nongs say at once and grin at each other.

"Which account?" Arthit steps forward, frowning.

"All of them," The nongs say together once again. It is scary how much this group is like us.

"Did anyone else bring a laptop with them?" N'Oak asks as he starts towards the stairs.

"I will go back home and grab mine," N'Kongpop volunteers and turns to his two sisters, who have watched all of this silently. I have to wonder what they think about us.

"Got the message, little brother," P'Samorn says, rolling her eyes, "Let's go. Lawan and I need to get ready anyway. My old laptop is in my room. You can use it, Kong, if you need it."

"Mine should still be in my room, but I don't know how good it is," P'Lawan puts in, "But you can take it." Both of his sisters turn to look at me before they come over to hug me.

"I hope everything works out, N'Bright," P'Lawan says, patting my cheek, "Call us if we can help." I nod, stunned by the offer and the support from total strangers.

N'Kongpop walks over and kisses Arthit on the cheek, and walks away unscathed for once. My friends and I stare at Arthit, who is looking at the board, unaware of the scrutiny tugging on his bottom lip.

After a moment, he turns to us, "What?" He snaps and adds after a cursory glance about the room, "Where are the nongs?"

"What do you mean, where are the nongs?" Tutah laughs, "They went to get computers, and yours kissed your cheek before he left with his sisters."

#SOTUS Continued: Book Two A BoysLove TaleWhere stories live. Discover now