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Bright's POV

I made N'Jett go back to his dorms, but I am pretty sure he went to Tutah's. They need to talk this out if anything is going to be resolved. I snort. They are not the only ones who need to talk something out. I pull out my phone and sigh when I see that the messages I sent Kammon are still showing as unread. Closing Line I look at the time and decide I don't want to go back to my dorm. For the past few weeks, Kammon has been camped in it, and to go back and find it empty just makes my heart hurt.

"Where are you?" I groan, "Why am I an idiot?"

"I am right behind you, and I have no clue why you are an idiot," Knott says behind me. "But I don't think I am the person you are looking for, now am I?" Knott comes to stand by me, "But as for being an idiot, that just happens because your brain tends to run off unsupervised."

"Funny," I deadpan, "Freaking hilarious."

"So, who are you looking for?" Knott asks. I give him the side-eye. "Come on," Knott encourages, "What could it hurt telling me. Although I can probably guess it is someone about this tall," He holds out a hand about Kammon's height, "And has your gear."

"Yep," I cave, "That is exactly who I am looking for, but I doubt he will surface any time soon."

"I was going to go eat," Knott tells me, "N'Tew is with his friends. Keep me company. I will listen to your problems."

"Might as well," I groan, "I don't want to go back to an empty dorm." Knott and I head for a stall on the other side of the street.

"I understand that feeling," Knott says as we cross the street, "It is weird when they are not there."

"Tell me about it," I chuckle, "It is amazing how big a bed can feel when you are alone." Knott smiles at me as he nods.

We separate to place our orders and find a table toward the back of the stall. I lean my back against the wall as I watch Knott pick up our food.

Sitting down, Knott looks across at me, "So why are you calling yourself an idiot today?"

"I flirted in front of Kammon," I admit. Knott pauses in between bites. "Yes, I know. What the hell was I thinking? In my defense, it was an ex, and she talked to me first. I just went into my normal chat up mode. It is not like I was actually flirting." I take a bite. "Maybe I shouldn't be allowed to go unsupervised."

"I have been saying that for three years," Knott chuckles. "But, I thought N'Kammon was your supervision."

"You would think," I snort. I wonder if Tutah is finished talking with Kammon. I didn't message my friend when I finished talking to N'Jett. I just sent him home. I pull out my phone and tap the app. Noticing the unread messages, I turn my phone over and go back to eating.

"Have you talked to him since?" Knott asks after watching me. "You can't fix anything if you two don't talk to each other, you know." I hold up my phone.

"That would mean he is wanting to talk," I say, showing him the unread messages before I put it back down. "He still is not reading my messages." I sigh. "I sent Ai'Tutah to talk to him."

"Why, Ai'Tutah?" Knott stops and looks over at me, "Shouldn't it be you?"

"He is ignoring me," I repeat, "And I had to talk to N'Jett for Ai'Tutah anyway."

"Let me get this straight you talked to N'Jett, and Ai'Tutah talked to N'Kammon," Knott asks. I nod. "Why?"

"Ai'Tutah reminded his nong about his past," I smile, "His past really seems to make N'Jett insecure."

#SOTUS Continued: Book Two A BoysLove TaleWhere stories live. Discover now