More Than Breathing

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Arthit's POV

"Where the fvck are you?" I growl into my phone, waiting for Bright to pick up. I look over at Tutah and shake my head when he doesn't. "How long does it take to drop someone the fvck off?" I ask under my breath.

"P'," Kongpop says quietly beside me, "He wasn't just dropping someone off. He was introducing his boyfriend to his family." Kongpop flinches when I look at him.

"I know that, Kong," I hiss, "But we have an issue here." I take a moment to calm down before I add, "I am..."

"I get it," Kongpop cuts in, "We are all concerned." He reaches over and rubs my back. The door flies open, and N'Wad walks in, followed by N'Jett and N'Maprang.

"Mom asked Uncle where P'Third went," N'Maprang says, coming in, "He told her that P'Third needed to go home but would be back."

"Did he give a reason for going home?" Prem asks, and N'Maprang shakes her head no.

"She didn't happen to ask when exactly he left, did she?" Tee questions looking away from the laptop.

"It was just a few moments before you guys came back," N'Jett answers, "You might have even passed his taxi."

"Then this can't be him," N'Tew mutters beside Tee as the dot on the map makes its way through the streets.

"Where do you think he is going?" N'Wad wonders, glancing at the screen.

"It is time for lunch," I begin, "He is on his way back to where Kammon was kept, which is why we need Ai'Bright back here." Kongpop pulls out his phone.

"What are you doing?" N'Tew asks Kongpop.

"Messaging them that cuteislethal is on the move," Kongpop says as he texts.

Reaching over, I take his phone from him. "Don't text him."

"Weren't you just calling him?" Kongpop demands, and I turn on him.

"Yes, I was," I reply, "To ask where he was. I was not going to tell him about cuteislethal. I don't need Ai'Bright doing something stupid."

"He is with Dear, Ai'Boon, and Knott," P'Win points out. I look over at Tutah for some help.

"Let's just say they don't know how to take care of Ai'Bright," Tutah explains. "You have to really keep an eye on him." Tutah shrugs, "We once had to chase him down after he jumped out of the car in traffic."

"I sprained my ankle chasing after him," Prem mutters. All of us nod, remembering that mad dash through Bangkok traffic. More than one of us tripped and fell a couple of times, running after him. None of us are going to mention how many times Bright almost got hit by a car. As smart as he is, he can be very reckless when his heart is involved.

"Why did he do that?" The nongs all ask at the same time.

"Ple," I say, "She was leaving for her work abroad program, and he was trying to stop her at the airport. We were stuck in traffic, so he jumped out and started running."

"It is not like she gave him much warning," Tutah growls. I don't think he will ever forgive Ple for dropping that bomb on Bright. All of us had to deal with the fallout caused by that. It was not pretty.

Kongpop turns at the sound of a car and looks out the window, "Someone is here," he says before he walks over to look out of it. "They are back."

"Shit!" N'Maprang swears, making all of us look at her.

"'Prang!" N'Oak barks, "Why?"

"My mom was going to grab P'Bright when he came back," She explains, ignoring the frown on N'Oak's face. "Aunt Tansanee wants to talk to him."

#SOTUS Continued: Book Two A BoysLove TaleWhere stories live. Discover now