Middle Of The Night

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Kammon's POV

Using one of the plastic forks that I modified from my meal, I pick at the wall. The wall covering is not plywood but drywall. Stupid mistake on my kidnapper's part, but I am happy he made it. Plywood would have made escape impossible, but drywall is another story. Currently, I am carefully working my way across the bottom of the window to get an opening that I can use to snap the drywall away.

Earlier I finally figured out the window is about a meter by half a meter. It being covered up is not my main problem. The fact that the window is at the top of the wall is the issue, so it is above my head and slightly out of reach. For now, I am not trying to figure out how to get out of it but to gain access, although I will have to face the problem before I uncover it. I don't want to expose it without a plan.

The only light available here is the one from the bathroom. I don't know if the bulb in the main room is burned out or if he turned it off. When I woke up here the first morning, it was off and hasn't come back on since. Luckily, when I was locked in here, the first thing I did was to go over every inch of the place, trying to find a camera. If I found a hole or crack in the wall, I used toilet paper to fill it if there was a pin-hole camera. I am reasonably sure there is not a camera.

I glance around the room and, for the millionth time and wonder why he didn't place one in here. I mean, this is the guy who has an IG filled with my pictures. You would think he would have enjoyed that. Giving a little shudder, I get back to the task at hand.

Just as I am about to start, I hear the familiar sound of gravel under tires from outside. I stop and look towards the door as I hold my breath. When I hear the car door open and close, I dive for the pallet. Quickly I cover up and place myself in a way that I can see the door. Why the hell is he back? Isn't it the middle of the night?

Out of habit, I count the steps. I am listening to them come closer. I close my eyes waiting to hear the slot at the bottom of the door, and something shoved in. When I hear the sound of keys and the door opening, I go cold. Images of what happened in Room 404 come to mind, and I want to scream.

"When did that go out?" The now-familiar voice of my kidnapper mutters. I assume he is talking about the light. I am suddenly grateful that the bulb has burned out. It will be hard for him to see what I am doing under the window.

He comes closer, and I try not to shrink away. I don't want him to know I am awake. Listening to him, I try to puzzle out what he is doing.

"I wonder why your family hasn't called the police," My kidnapper says, "You would think they would want to find you." I roll my eyes behind my closed eyelids at this. If P'Bright and his friends are involved, I am sure they are the ones that stopped my father. Wouldn't he take advantage of the situation?

I almost flinch at the sound of pictures being taken by a phone. Fvcking perv. He comes in while I am sleeping to take a picture of me. When he leaves, I feel like I will need to take a shower even though he hasn't touched me.

He gets up and walks toward the bathroom. I can hear him tutting at something in there.

"Silly boy," He mumbles, "I won't let you starve." He must have seen the food I am saving. He walks out of the bathroom and back over to me. Using his foot, he slightly nudges my head. I guess he is checking if I am asleep. I pretend to grumble and swat at his foot. I stop myself from smiling when I hear a chuckle. Go on. Keep thinking I am asleep.

Finally, he walks over to the door and leaves. Once again, the sound of keys and gravel underfoot mark his leaving. I don't sit up until I hear the car drive away.

"What the fvck was that?" I growl. Quickly, I run over to the bathroom to see if he took my stash of food and sigh with relief to see it still there.

#SOTUS Continued: Book Two A BoysLove TaleWhere stories live. Discover now