Fuel To The Fire

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Nine's POV

Kammon walks into the hall with his hand on his side and his hair is looking like he just woke up, or did he and P'Bright just make out in a bathroom? This early in the morning?

"You're late," I tell Kammon as he starts to join me on the floor. I notice how gingerly he is moving. Surely they didn't do that in the bathroom. "Please tell me what bathroom is now off-limits."

"Bathroom?" Kammon squints at me, "Why would... Ass! This has nothing to do with a bathroom. P'Bright came over last night."

"Oh," I say in understanding.

"Fvcking Bright," Kammon says under his breath. "I am going to kill him." I can't help it and start to laugh.

"Do you have a death wish this morning?" Kammon threatens.

"Possibly..." I tease my friend, "So... What were you and P'Bright up to last night." Kammon lunges for me and ends up groaning on the floor.

"I hate you," Kammon mutters. "Taking advantage of an incapacitated friend."

"I guess you are not as young...." I stop when a box drops beside me, and I look up to see P'Bank glaring down at me. "P'Bank?"

"I need this box completed in an hour," P'Bank orders. I glance inside and sigh. There is no way this can be done in an hour, and didn't we do a box of these the other day? I look back up at him and can tell he wants me to refuse.

"But we already did these," Kammon points out.

"And?" P'Bank turns to him, "If you don't want to do it, then go join another faculty."

"What the..." Kammon starts, and I pinch his thigh to get him to shut up.

"One hour," I smile up at P'Bank, "On it."

I watch as the senior who has always been such a friendly person slaps on a fake smile, masking what I can only believe is his true nature before he stalks off. I am a little sad that he is behaving like this and seriously angry that how he acted before was just an act to get me to like him.

"Ai'Bank!" Another senior calls after P'Bank. When P'Bank doesn't respond, the senior comes over to Kammon and me.

"Sorry, nongs," The senior sighs, "I don't know why he is asking you to do this. We have enough, and there is no way you can do this in an hour." I shrug. This senior might not know why but I do.

"No kidding," Kammon grumbles.

"So, what do we do?" I ask the senior. "P'Bank will probably check to see if we finished." I know he will, and he is being a little baby about everything. How petty can one be?

"Take this box to room 321," The senior says, "The box that has the first batch of these is in there. Switch out everything and bring it back down. If Ai'Bank notices anything, I will tell him I told you to do it."

"Won't he get mad?" I ask cautiously. This plan has disaster written all over it. P'Bank is obviously trying to get me in trouble. If he figures this out, I don't know what he would do then. The senior frowns down at the box, considering. See, even this guy thinks P'Bank will get upset.

At that moment, the door to the hall opens. A group of girls comes in with P'Bank following them. Oh, great. What now? Want me to paint the entire faculty in twenty minutes?

"There it is," One of the girls says, exasperated. "Why did you bring it down here, Bank?"

"Yeah," Another girl laughs, "We told you to take it to storage. They can use them next year since we didn't need all of them."

#SOTUS Continued: Book Two A BoysLove TaleWhere stories live. Discover now