Brand Of Insanity

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Tee's POV

I sit staring at the screen, wondering what I can do to help Bright. I don't know when exactly I became a member of this crazy group of friends, but I am. Even I have to admit that I find it fun. We might fight serial rapists, stalkers, and now a kidnapper, but it is kind of nice to be included in this brand of insanity. Just as I am about to look back at the group, one of those command windows pops up, and another file is added to the folder. Out of curiosity, I click on it and begin swatting behind me to get someone's attention.

"N'Tee?" P'Boon asks, and I can hear the confusion in his voice, "What is the matter?"

"They are here," I say, shocked to see the name on the screen. If you just kidnapped someone, why the hell would you casually saunter back into the scene of the crime?

"Who?" Bright asks, running over to me. "What the fvck?"

Before any of us can stop him, he runs out of the door, and his friends chase after him. I notice the nongs glaring at the screen. N'Kongpop had turned away from the window when Bright ran out, and I can tell by the way he is chewing on his bottom lip he is about to do something. After a moment, he walks over and picks up the tracking bracelet we had gotten for N'Kammon before going back to the window. I turn toward the door when I hear a scuffle down the hall.

"Kong?" N'Aim looks quizzically at his friend, "What the hell are you doing?"

"I will explain later," N'Kongpop dismisses him, "Help me."

"Help you what?" N'Oak questions as he goes to join N'Kongpop by the window.

"Ai'Kong!" N'Tew gasps, and I turn to see the nong has sat down on the window sill with one leg outside.

"Just help me," N'Kongpop snaps, "We don't know how long he will be here."

I watch as the nongs begin to lower N'Kongpop out the window. At the sound of footsteps, I glance back at the door.

"Why the hell did you stop me?!?" Bright growls as he is hauled back into the room.

"I said let N'Maprang go down and check it out," Knott growls.

"What the hell are you doing, Kong?!?" Arthit shouts when he sees his boyfriend disappearing out the window. Arthit, Prem, and Tutah run over just as N'Kongpop drops to the ground. "What the fvck is he up to?" Arthit grumbles as he watches his boyfriend.

Knott, P'Dear, and P'Win are still standing in front of the door to keep Bright from running out of the room. The rest of us are watching as N'Kongpop runs over to a black sedan and begins testing the doors to see if he can find one unlocked. None on the passenger side are unlocked, so he runs to the other side. He gives us a thumbs up when the driver's door opens. He reaches to the driver's side backdoor and unlocks it. N'Kongpop disappears for a moment before he runs back over to the window. I smile when he looks up and realizes that getting down was easy. Getting back up is going to be a different story.

"Didn't think that through, did you?" Arthit shakes his head as he looks down at N'Kongpop.

"Should I just go in through the door?" I hear the nong ask.

"How will you explain being outside, moron," Arthit snaps. "What did you do anyway?"

"I put the tracker under his seat," N'Kongpop states, "So we will know where he goes. We can follow him to Ai'Kam this way."

"You what?" Bright stops trying to get past the three guarding the door to shoulder his way through his friends, sticking his head out the window. He looks over to the car and frowns, "How do you know that is his car?"

#SOTUS Continued: Book Two A BoysLove TaleWhere stories live. Discover now