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"Those on the offensive will practice low and high kicks." Zoey explained. "Those on the defensive should try to block and withstand them."

"Zoey darling, why don't we do a demonstration?" Momochi suggested as she tapped his shoulder.

"Sounds good." Zoey nodded, shifting into a defensive stance. "Now, watch closely and see how she strikes me."

In the blink of an eye, Momochi performed a roundhouse kick towards his head. Zoey reacted instantly and raised his arm to block her leg.

"Woah..." sounds of admiration could be heard from the crowd of students.

"I didn't even see her kick!"

"How did Sensei see that?"

"They're both so cool!"

"Impressive, Momochi." Zoey placed his hands on her thigh to show her form. He patted her bare skin. "As you go on the offense, this is the form I'd like you all to strive towards. Focus on form first, then you can think about speed."

"Mmnnh..." Momochi held back a moan as she felt the warmth of his hands on her bare thighs.

"Grrrrr..." Piromi's ears flared up in anger. Her heart tightened at the sight, as if coiled by chains. She was not a stranger to this emotion... jealousy. She's enjoying this!

"When you're on the defensive, make sure you're looking at your opponent's face. Be ready to react to your opponent's movements." Zoey let go of her leg and shifted into an offensive stance. "Let me show you what I mean by that. Momochi?"

"Yes." Momochi shifted into a defensive stance, remaining completely still.

"Please pay attention to Momochi's eyes." Zoey pointed at her face, then took a step back.

He swung his leg right against her face, his feet almost touching her cheek. Momochi's hair fluttered at the force of the wind as he kicked. Her eyes had remained razor-focused and open the entire time.

"Woooh, her eyes!"

"She didn't get distracted at all!"

"She's so cool!"

"You're something else, Zoey." Momochi slowly traced her fingers around his muscular calf. "Color me impressed."

"Guuuhhh...!" Piromi clenched her fists, wanting to lash out at her. How dare she touch him...

"H-Hey, that tickles." Feeling ticklish, he put his leg back down. He then turned to the students. "Well, I hope that demonstration is helpful! You may begin your training."

"Yes, Sensei!" They answered in unison. They soon began their training session.

"After 15 sets, you can switch roles–"

"Come with me, Zoa." Piromi held his arm tightly and dragged him along with her.

"P-Piro?!" He called out in surprise.

"Just come with me!" Piromi used both of her hands to pull him along.

Is it something important? "Momochi, take control of the training for now! I'll be back!" He shouted.

"Of course, Zoey." Momochi nodded and waved. Her eyes shifted to the jealous hinezumi. So, she's finally making her move...




"Where are you going, Piro?" Zoey asked.

Piromi had dragged him out of the dojo away from the others. She then slammed him against a nearby tree, trapping him between her arms.

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