9-I: My Futanari Prosecutor, Justice

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After finishing a legal case, Justice invites Junichi to spend some time together over a cup of tea. She asks for his assistance in attending to a certain matter of hers...

A lot can happen over a cup of tea, huh?

Inspired by the Ace Attorney / Gyakuten Saiban games.

This one was an interesting one to write. I recently finished watching a full gameplay of The Great Ace Attorney (absolutely loved it), and somehow I came up with a story that's inspired by the courtroom setting.

So, if you're quite familiar with the Ace Attorney games, you'll get how the dialogue flows from the get-go and catch on to the many references scattered across it (how many can you find? :D)

Now if you're not familiar with Ace Attorney, I'll try to break it down.

It's a series of visual novel-esque games revolving around legal cases and lawyers.

You play as a defense attorney who investigates murder cases and defends their client in court. These defense attorneys go against prosecutors, who do the opposite: trying to convict the clients and get them guilty for the crimes they're accused of. So, you got defense attorneys trying to prove their client innocent, prosecutors trying to prove the client guilty. This all depends on the arguments and evidence presented by both sides, with the judge (the person who oversees the court) having the final decision.

Now if you happen to be knowledgeable in the ways of the law and are not familiar with Ace Attorney, then do not expect things to be accurate here :V

Ace Attorney is not meant to be a realistic representation of the legal system, and neither is this story.

Anyhow, enjoy reading!


The last day of the trial has arrived. This is where it all ends.

Junichi paced back and forth in the halls, playing back a summary of the past two days in his mind.

I've somehow prolonged the trial by two days and yet... I can't figure out how to settle this!

He placed a hand over his attorney badge, his fingers trembling with uncertainty. I'm supposed to be defending the innocent...!

He clenched his fists in frustration. Overthinking about this will not get me anywhere... I need to see my assistant.

Junichi walked to the lobby and scanned the room, searching for his assistant. Ah, there he is. Blonde hair with bright blue eyes. He was wearing a blue royal uniform, one that gave off a commanding presence. He took a deep breath to calm himself. I have to put a strong face for him! Upon finding him, he approached and waved.

"Master Eryn."

"Oh, Mr. Junichi." Eryn turned around. "I'm glad to see you here."

"Likewise, Master Eryn." He bowed his head. "It appears we've-"

"Eryn is fine." He interrupted, giving a warm smile. "You don't have to refer to me as Master."

"O-Oh, is that so...?" Junichi scratched the back of his head. "B-But you're a respected member of the royal family."

"I do not wish to associate with the royal family anymore, Mr. Junichi." Eryn talked in a serious manner. "I believe you're well versed in the royal family's doings after the past two days."

"... Most certainly, Eryn." He replied, which garnered a smile from Eryn.

"You don't have to sugarcoat your thoughts about the royal family simply because of my position."

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