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"Great. Just great."

Abraham was standing in front of the mirror. He checked his temperature on the thermometer..

40 degrees... that's really hot.

He groaned at himself as he scratched his face. How the hell did I get myself sick... was it because I slept on the couch just for a single day?

Was it because I didn't reply to Mira yet...?

Placing his palm against his forehead, he noticed it was ridiculously warm for a fever. Ugh, my head feels dizzy, too. Looking at the mirror, red glowed across his face. I look really terrible. Right after waking up, a painful headache rang through his mind. His body felt incredibly weak. To top it all off, he got a fever too!

He was quite in disbelief, to say the least.

Maybe I should have replied to Mira.

Perhaps this was the work of the gods of misfortune. They must be laughing at me because I didn't reply to her...

Earlier, he messaged Rururin that he wouldn't be coming to work today. She simply told him to take lots of rest and get well soon. I'm fortunate to have such an understanding boss.

Abraham plopped down on his couch, weakness pooling through his body. Mngh, I feel so dead inside... he found it hard to think straight with all these painful sensations swirling inside him from head to toe. I should take a rest... my mind's so dizzy. Taking a rest would be a sound plan except...


"Mnngh...!" Abraham furrowed his eyebrows, turning to the door. That doorbell made his headache much worse. That sounds so annoying... who's here at this time?! After getting up from the couch, he begrudgingly walked to the door and pulled it open–

"Abraham!" a familiar voice called out. "I'm so glad to see you!"

"... Mira?" Abraham's eyes widened in surprise.

She was the last person he expected to see right outside his house. He had to blink a few times to make sure he wasn't seeing things. In her hands were multiple shopping bags containing various food and supplies. Did she go shopping? Wait, how did she find out where I live?

"Shouldn't you be at... work...?" His vision began blurring out.

"Rururin let me off." She replied. "She told me to look after you."

"To look... after me...?" he swayed to the side. "It's fine. I don't... need... mnngh..."

Losing control over his senses, he lost his balance and fell forward.

"Abraham!" She quickly dropped her plastic bags and caught him in her arms.

"Ugh..." he let out a pained groan. "Sorry, I'll... get off..."

"You're in terrible shape!" She huffed. He looks so sick... "It's a good thing I'm here! I'll look after you."

"No, no..." he willed power into his arms, but couldn't move them at all. "I wouldn't... want to..."

"It's no bother at all." Mira wrapped his arm around her shoulders and guided him back into the house. "Excuse me, I'm coming in!"

"Hurrrgh..." he let himself be dragged by her. He just had no energy to act.

"Where is your room?"

He forced his remaining energy into his finger and pointed to his room as an answer. Mira nodded and took him to his room. After pushing the door open, she helped him lie down on the bed.

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