13-I: My Futanari Inhuman, Violette

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For years, Nanashi had always hunted monsters by himself... until Violette joined the squad. 

Odd feelings appear in his chest whenever she's around. Feelings he never understood.

Fortunately, Violette is more than willing to help him understand.

This story contains tentacles (but no tentacle sex.)





That's seven down.

Nanashi swung the blade attached to his mutated right arm, whipping the blood of his victim away.


Two people were blown away, landing right in front of his feet. Nanashi stomped their heads flat into the ground, finishing them off, splattering their fresh blood all over the concrete floor.

"That should be the last of them." A man in dark attire with a long black coat walked to him, recharging his energy gloves.

"Acer." Nanashi turned his head to him.

"Their pack leader is nearby." Acer scanned his nearby surroundings, his eyes drifting to every ‌space. "Can you sense them, Nanashi?"

Nanashi activated his internal thermal sensors and attempted to detect any noticeable changes in temperature. "Yeah. We're not alone."

"Let's take them out quickly." He began walking forward, with Nanashi following behind.

"Acer." He held his shoulder. "Are you sure you should be in the front lines? I can hunt them alone."

"Just getting in my daily practice." He cracked his knuckles. "It's been a while since we've taken a mission together, partner."

"So, this is personal?" Nanashi scoffed.

"Maybe it is." He winked, then took on a more serious tone. "There's a reason ‌I didn't send Hunter's squad."

"Is that why you've only chosen the both of us to go?"

"Exactly." He nodded. "I... can't risk their lives, not when we're dealing with an enemy of this scale."

"What a considerate commander you are..." Nanashi sighed, shaking his head. "You're willing to risk your li–...!"


"Gah?!" A tentacle pierced through Acer's right shoulder, spilling blood everywhere. The tentacle then lifted him up and swung him against a concrete wall, slamming his body on impact.

A surprise attack...! Nanashi instantly sliced the tentacle latching on to Acer. His gaze shifted to the perpetrator hiding in a broken building. Target locked. He pointed his mutated arm at the attacker and extended his own deadly lightning-infused tentacles towards it, thrusting through the building and eviscerating the attacker into a splatter of blood and guts.

"Hnghh... damn!" Wincing in pain, Acer gripped on to his bleeding shoulder. "Mnngh!"

"Acer." Nanashi dashed towards him and crouched down. He helped him to lay his back on the wall.

"Mnnnguh...!" Gritting his teeth, he grunted from the pain searing through his body. Despite his pain, he sensed another enemy was nearby, right behind his partner. "LOOK OUT!"

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