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"I would like to initiate... Ritus Darah."

Ritus Darah–one of the royal family's oldest traditions, commonly practiced among the royal knights. Some would translate it to Blood Rite.

"Ritus Darah?­" Justice's eyes widened. An ancient tradition passed from knight to knight.

"... Why do you want to initiate this rite now?" Eryn furrowed his eyebrows. Considering the heavy news I just told her...

"Before I renounce my royal status, I wish to use this opportunity while I can." She explained, her head still bowed down. "With you and Prosecutor Justice here, I can properly invoke the rite. Please, grant me this one request."

"... Seriously." Eryn rubbed the back of his head, visibly hesitant. He wanted nothing more to do with the royal family and their traditions. And yet, here I am.

"Let's help her, Master Eryn." Justice patted his shoulder. "It's the least we can do before the royal family disbands for good."

"Fine, fine." He ruffled his hair. "I suppose I can offer myself."

"... Thank you so much!" Alessandra raised her head.

For Ritus Darah to be invoked, it requires two other members of the royal family to offer their blood to those who wish to invoke it.

"Lady Alessandra..." Gallanthyde folded his arms. "Do you intend to challenge someone to a duel?"

"That is correct." She nodded.

"Who?" He asked. Eryn and Justice were wondering the same. Ritus Darah was usually invoked when knights challenged each other.

"Lord Gallanthyde." Alessandra stood in front of Gallanthyde, not breaking eye contact with him.


"I would like to formally challenge you under the rules invoked through Ritus Darah."

"... Ah?" Eryn and Justice were left dumbfounded.

"... Me, huh?" Gallanthyde drew his head back, amused.

"Are you familiar with duels sworn under Ritus Darah?" Alessandra asked.

"The defeated surrenders their life to the victor." He smiled. "Their life is no longer in their hands."

"Then we can cut to the chase." She drew her sword. "Do you accept my challenge?"

"Amusing." He drew his hands to his hips, chuckling. "Is there something you wish to do with my life, Lady Alessandra?"

"Who knows?" Her grip tensed up. "Why don't you accept my challenge and find out?"

"And it goes without saying that if I win, your life is in my hands."

"But of course."

"And why do you seem sure that I will accept your challenge?" The corner of his lip curled up.

"You enjoy the thrill of fighting worthy opponents, don't you?" Her eyes narrowed. "You wouldn't turn down an opportunity like this."

Gallanthyde and Alessandra stared at each other, their eyes razor sharp–sharp enough to cut the tension in the air. Eryn and Justice exchanged confused glances with one another.

"Master Eryn, Prosecutor Justice." Alessandra lowered her sword. "If you please."

Eryn walked to Gallanthyde while Justice walked to Alessandra.

"I never thought I'd be invoking a royal tradition again." Eryn lent his hand to Gallanthyde.

Once a royal knight, always a royal knight. Gallanthyde grabbed his spear from over his back.

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