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Junichi and Justice stared at each other, blinking in confusion. Turns out his conclusion is mistaken. It was not what she wanted to ask him. If the judge were here, he'd suffer a severe penalty and be held in contempt of court.

"W-What did you say, Justice...?"

"I could... ask you the same question, Jun."

The lawyer duo blushed heavily at each other, being put in this awkward situation.

"Hold it..." He decided to press her for more information, as he would do to a witness. "You w-want me to watch you... masturbate?"

"I... haven't been able to concentrate with this." She averted her gaze. "I've tried indulging myself in ... ­self­-care."

Self-care... that was one way to put it.

"And, uh... it hasn't really bode well..." she scratched her cheek awkwardly. "I wasn't able to reach total relief until..."


"... I started fantasizing that... you were... watching me."

"... Oh."

And so, the urgent matter has come to light. Even with his amazing skills to jump at ridiculous conclusions, nothing would ever top the words leaving Justice's lips.

"And now, you want to make that fantasy a reality." He stated calmly, to which she nodded.

This is, uh... wild. He thought. The most fearsome prosecutor in the courtroom... is asking him to watch her masturbate in her own house. If it were not for the crazy cases he faced in the courtroom which could be described as a kangaroo court, he wouldn't be able to maintain this calm facade.

"B-But, um...!" she frantically grabbed onto his hand. "I w-would love to t-take up on your offer!"

"M-My offer?" he raised an eyebrow. "What offer-"

Her heat swelled up further under his palm, noticeably bigger than before. Just that sensation was enough for him to understand what she meant. The idea of having Junichi attend to her needs was such an enticing thought that her arousal heightened. She hadn't even thought about it until he brought it up!

W-What do I say to this... his conclusion was becoming true. I did suggest it in the first place... and I feel I owe her a lot. As a lawyer, he'd do his best to attend to his client's wishes. If Justice were my client, then...

"If that is what you wish, Justice..." he cleared his throat. "I'll... attend to your needs."

"You will?!" her tone was full of surprise. She thought he'd raise an objection.

"You saved my skin back there at the courtroom." He fidgeted with his tie. "It's... the least I can do."

"Hold it..." now it was her turn to press him for clarification. "You do understand what I'm... asking you? That what I'm asking is rather... perverted?"

"I assure you I do."

"You're... fully aware of what I'm asking you to do?"

Now that I'm thinking about it again, I am strangely calm about this. Junichi took a moment to think this over. He was going to attend to her needs. The normal person would turn around and run, wouldn't they? After years of taking these court cases, I am anything but normal.

"I am."

".. O-Okay." She stood up and tugged her arm along. "Could we... move to my bedroom?"

"O-Oh." He let himself be tugged away. Already on the first visit, he'd be seeing her bedroom so soon.

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