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"But if you're willing to take this step... then come with me, Odette. We'll face your fears. Let's do this...together."

"..." Odette let out a breath she didn't even realize she was holding. Right now, right this very moment, Valor was calling out to her... to reach him, to take his hand, to overcome her fear.

He built this entire room and constructed a swimming pool designed for her.

He took swimming lessons and practiced by himself till he felt he could swim by her side.

He invited the monstergirls to bond with her, so she'd be able to associate with them again.

All these years, he did it only for her sake.

Odette wanted to reach him. She needed to reach him. I have to... trust Valor... just like he trusts me. She couldn't control the fears coursing through her body. She couldn't stop her body from shaking...

"We believe in you, Odette." Elina gently patted her shoulder. "He's waiting for you."

"Go and show those waters what you're made of!" Piromi grinned.

Their cheers resonated with her heart, giving her the little push she needed to take on her fears.

Steeling her absolute resolve into her hands, she pushed herself forward and crawled towards the edge of the swimming pool with the support of the monstergirls. Valor watched with bated breath, his heart racing at a million miles.

Odette looked over the edge of the pool. She drew her hand to the surface, and at the slightest touch, a prickly jolt shot through her nerves, forcing her to take her hand back.

It hurts but... she strangely felt... determined to see this through. A sense of purpose ignited her heart. Valor's... waiting for me.

Bearing through these sensations, Odette shifted herself over into the pool, submerging her entire body in water. How long has it been since she lived under the water? Using her tail, she curved herself back up. All her muscle memories were slowly returning to her.

As if she never left the oceans.

Wow... Valor stared in awe. That little movement was so graceful, like watching someone perform on stage.

Odette dived headfirst into the pool, her tail whipping out through the surface momentarily before sinking in the deep waters. Her eyes opened, scanning the entire pool floor. Turns out it wasn't a regular pool...

It's so... clear.

Decorations of various kinds were splattered across the floor and walls. Corals, shells, plants, rocks, even a sunken ship could be seen, among many other things. It made the pool look like she was under the ocean. He did this all... for me?


Odette held her head, feeling all the memories rushing through her, playing right in front of her eyes. The pain, the suffering, the cries... all so vivid, ringing loudly, physically aching in her mind. A dark past where she was all alone, having nothing to live for, having no one to rely on...

But someone was waiting for her right now in the present. As she looked up to the surface, he was waiting for her.

I'm not alone anymore. Even though they just met, she had Piromi and Elina, two other monstergirls just like herself. And of course...

I have you, Valor.

Odette rose through the surface, arching her back in an elegant manner. All the pain searing through her mind seemed to fade away as she focused all her senses on Valor, the person she called her home.

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