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"Would you like some milk and cookies?" Irine carried a tray of food to the kotatsu. She set it on the table and sat down.

"Oh, I'm so sorry for bothering you." Sora bowed his head to her.

"Don't worry about it." She grabbed a cookie. "Consider it as thanks for taking care of Cecilia. She speaks of you so fondly."

"Does she, now...?" He rested his hands on the blanket. It's really warm.

"Of course!" She took a bite out of her cookie. "She's always going Sora this! Sora that!"

"I, uh... see." He folded his arms, a bit embarrassed. Should she be telling me this?

"It's honestly adorable." Irine giggled. "She told me you've known each other since childhood?"

"That's right." He nodded, his eyes staring at the blanket patterns. "It's... been a long time."

It feels like yesterday when he heard the news of the accident. Panic was the most prominent fear that day. The fear that he could have lost his dear friend. The horrifying state of Cecilia's face flashed in his mind. Her screams echoed through his ears. Still so clear, still so vivid. I will never forget that day...

"When Cecilia moved in here, I and Madonna never realized she was... blind." Irine poured herself a glass of milk. "I'd find her walking around the house and touching the walls."

"Huh?" He blinked, intrigued by the fact. "She never told you?"

"Nope." She shook her head. "I always found it odd that she never made eye contact. I thought maybe she was a shy person."

Shy, huh...? That was not a word he'd use to describe Cecilia. With her joyful personality, she simply exudes confidence.

"This went on for three weeks." Irine glanced at the stairway. "Until she tripped and fell down the stairs."

"Oh, wow." Shock grew on his face. Did she get hurt?

"Don't worry, she wasn't hurt too badly." She waved his hand. It did give us a few laughs, though. "And then she was embarrassed to tell us that she was blind."

"Cecilia? Embarrassed?" Sora couldn't believe that. That was another word he wouldn't use to describe her. She hid her blind condition because she was embarrassed...?

"Yeah!" Irine giggled behind her hand. "And now, she fits in just fine. We made adjustments around the house, so she'd have an easier time moving around."

"That's good to hear." He smiled. In their childhood days, Cecilia always stuck close to him. She didn't have an easy time connecting with her peers. Not being able to see had scared her and shunned her away from the world. I'm glad she's overcome that. With supportive housemates like Irine, Sora felt a little relieved.

"Well!" Irine pressed her palms against the table to stand up. "I'll go talk to Madonna. Please make yourself at home."

"Thank you." He bowed his head.

Irine left the living room and went to the kitchen area. Sora stayed still and laid his head on the mattress. He wasn't feeling hungry, so he didn't take any cookies or milk that Irine offered. But maybe I should take one.

Sora stared at his wristwatch, making a mental note of how much time had passed. It's been four minutes already. Cecilia told him to come upstairs after five minutes. What did she want to show me? It intrigued him. I suppose I'll find out soon enough. He counted down the time.

Once five minutes had passed, Sora stood up and began walking up the stairs, nervousness filling each step. Why does this feel wrong? Going into a girl's room? Odd feelings pooled through his chest. It didn't help him feel calm. I'm just heading to her room as she asked. Nothing wrong with that.

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