14-I: My Futanari Knight, Alessandra

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Alessandra challenges Gallanthyde to a duel under special conditions.

He assumes Alessandra is after his own life but she has an unexpected goal in mind...



Another day, another fallen prayer.

Gallanthyde stood in silence, observing the countless gravestones lining the horizon as far as his eyes could see. Cold winds blew through the fields with the sounds of rustling trees and leaves. His gaze followed the rising sun, illuminating the start of a new day.

Gallanthyde focused on one gravestone with a spear stabbed beside it. He walked to it; the sound of leaves being trampled with every step he took. Gripping the spear, he swung it away from the ground.

Another one whose blood is on my hands.

His purple eyes darkened, gazing at the faint reflection of himself in the blade. He kneeled and pressed his palm against the gravestone. His fingers brushed against the area where an engraved name would be.

Another one whose name will never be known.


Gallanthyde looked behind him. Sounds of steel hitting each other echoed through his ears. They must have started training already. He stood and turned around, strapping his spear to his back. I'll see how they're doing.

"You're losing your touch, Solo! Gettin' too old for this?"

"Keep running your tongue and you might lose it, Sting!"


Gallanthyde walked into the training area surrounded by a wooden fence. He saw a royal knight, clad in a red and black royal suit, and a royal bodyguard, wearing silver armor, sparring with each other. They're hard at work. It was always a joy to see the young fighters test out their strength with one another. It reminded him of his younger days.


"Gah!" The royal knight's katana was knocked out of his hands.

"Haha!" The bodyguard thrusted her spear into his neck, mere inches away from his skin. "Maybe you'd fare better as an attorney instead!"

"You and your snarky attitude..." The royal knight sighed and drew his hands to his hips. "Guess this is my loss."

"All right!" The bodyguard pumped her fists into the air, like an innocent child winning a game. "I won! I wo-OUCH?!"

"Never celebrate too early, Reinesting." Another royal knight, presumably their mentor, pinched her cheek. "Solomon could have put you down right this second, and you wouldn't even notice."

"Oh, come on, Alex!" Reinesting pouted at her. "I won! I beat him fair and squa–OWW?!"

"You did well." She pinched the bodyguard's cheek again. "But in a real fight, you wouldn't stand a chance against Solomon."

"I know, I know!" Reinesting lightly swatted her hand away. She rubbed her pained cheek. "I'll be more mindful of that."

"Good." She smiled.

"Don't get it in too over your head, Sting." Solomon folded his arms and grinned.

"And you, Solomon." The royal knight turned to him. "Reinesting might be right that you're losing your touch. You could have countered her attack."

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