Chapter 64

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Like two drops of water they look alike. As a reflection on a mirror or two sides of a coin, they were part of each other. A pair of twins famous to humanity, for we all have encountered them one way or another.

Envy the name of the one and Jealousy the name of the other. They are two but most of us mistake them for each other.

 In a world full of similarities, it's easy to mistake things for something else and as such who could blame anyone for failing. In a vocabulary full of synonyms, it's hard distinguishing exactly which one is best for you to use. And just like that, we have words that we have made them seem like reflections of each other because we use them commonly to describe the same situation. Were you aware however that no matter how identical something may look, there's no such thing as a perfect match? Were you aware that Envy and Jealousy are not just words?

If someone was to question which one you should fear most, you would remember and consider their differences. As you stare more at them and analyze them, you would become aware of how noticeable their differences can be. All it takes is to realize what thing each focuses on.

Jealousy is a three-party situation. The owner of the feeling, the loved one whom we grow insecure over and the rival. Who is the one getting the attention of our loved one and if that someone changes frequently, matters not for what we are afraid of is losing the loved one itself. Jealousy is a stone that riots the safe waters we have been in and makes us want to protect what we consider already ours. Envy, on the other hand, is a two-party situation. The owner of the feeling and the rival and the focus is on the rival, for what comes and goes matters less than his misfortune. The emotion of Envy leaves you longing for things you never owned and feeling pain about the good fortune of others.

The distinction between that emotion and that feeling was crystal clear in P1's mind as he stood next to DongMin, watching him continuing his bickering interaction with you yet he had concluded that he was experiencing both those things simultaneously at that very instant, for he never had you to be jealous over you but he was, and he never cared much about DongMin but at that very moment, he was craving to have something that was his.

"Exes huh?" He left those words to escape from his lips loudly enough to get the attention of the two individuals at him and then he flashed them a smile, in an attempt to cover the feelings that he had gotten aware of.

"For how long were you dating?" DongMin gave Jimin a confused expression for his question had got him by surprise but he replied nonetheless.

"We broke up last year of high school. We knew each other since kindergarten though. However, we dated only for three years and then-"

"He had the kindness to cheat with my best friend right on the final exams season" You cut him off and wrapped up the topic a bit harshly but that was basically what had happened.

"You are mentioning the exam season as if I did it on purpose at that specific time."

"Why? Did you not? You obviously wanted to make me fail to get to college." You accused him and DongMin looked rather offended at that very instant.

"Of course not! You wouldn't have passed the bar exam either way. You had three whole months you hadn't stepped foot at school. You almost failed the grade because of absences!" He tried to defend himself for holding him responsible because the fact that you did not get to university was something he didn't consider right to be blamed about and you just held your tongue and looked away, unwilling to speak anything more about this topic.

"That's great then," Jimin uttered right after, making you both look at him in confusion for you didn't understand what was great about all this.

"Excuse me?"

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