Chapter 67

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Trust was a thing so fundamental for any human relationship yet simultaneously it was the most difficult to find. The one thing that is supposed to be the base that keeps some together is the solid trust that many crave and think they have obtained with certain people. However, if there was something you had learned in your life so far, that was that trust was something that you should never take as absolute no matter whom you may think that it's worth it.

For by trusting someone, you take your guard down and let them into every part of you and if you were to have been proven that you gave that trust to the wrong person, you are bound to get hurt at the same amount and intensity that you trusted and loved that person.

You left the knife that could carve your heart open into their hands, trusting that they would never hurt you, yet every time you had done that mistake, that knife had stabbed your chest by their hand, shattering you and your trust in the process. 

The fact that she was there, speaking nonchalantly with some other people you did not know, made you condemn Jin's girlfriend as a potential traitor, even though you had nothing against her yet. Who could blame you for it, however? All your life you had just been faced with more and more proof that people have secrets and maybe tonight you had happened to come across hers.

"Let's go grab a drink." Jungkook's voice made you divert your eyes away, as he seemed to have ignored his manager's nagging and just walked up to you, taking your hand and pulling you away.

His action had left you a bit surprised momentarily but thankfully you didn't trip over yourself as he took you near the buffet and proceeded to let go of your hand as normally as possible.

"I think your manager is displeased  with my existence, to say the least." You murmured for him only to hear as you threw your eyes towards the direction of the man, who kept staring your way intensively.

"His nerves aren't really my concern." Jungkook shrugged his shoulders as he was placing some cupcakes on a plate while you were witnessing that lady he wanted to keep away, approaching the manager at a rather fast pace. Apparently, wherever she must have been, she must have taken notice of you two together and she surely didn't look happy about it.

"I will excuse myself for a moment. I will be right back." You informed him as you had thought to purposely pass by them and lure that woman away for there was no way someone like her wouldn't take the opportunity to scare off her supposed love rival.

"Wait. She is right there." He panicked, taking hold of your arm and keeping you in place only for you to plaster a smile on your lips and lean on his ear, aware that his manager and she were sending you death stares. "That's why I am going. You just enjoy your night and leave everything else to me. I got this."

You reassured him as your hand caressed his back slowly before you took off and Jungkook turned around with the plate still in hand, observing you with a slight amusement on his face.

Is she really just a hotel maid?... I could totally see her fitting the role of a spy.

He concluded in his mind before he took his first bite from his collection of cupcakes exactly as you almost brushed shoulders with that woman, who followed your every movent with rage in her eyes and ultimately followed you towards the exit.

Once outside of that room, you politely approached a worker and questioned them about the bathroom and thankfully they informed you that they had placed little silver arrows on the wall for the occasion and as long as you were to follow them you would find the restroom.

You slowed your steps as you walked away, for you were expecting that woman to show up on that huge corridor at any moment and thankfully right before you were to turn around the corner, you noticed her exiting the party room, from the corner of your eye. She sped her steps once she had taken a glance of your whereabouts, ready to put you in your place and demand to know what kind of relationships you had with the man she was interested in.

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