A Waiting Game

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Shane walked into the waiting room carrying two coffees and some sandwiches from a deli she had found on the way. She knew that Bette wouldn't have eaten yet. Bette was sat in the corner looking out of the window of the hospital. Shane walked over and put the coffees and sandwiches on the table next to Bette. before moving a seat to sit in front of her friend.

"How long has she been in surgery?" Shane asked.

"About an hour, they don't' know how long it's going to take, I've called Kit, she's decided to stay with the kids, they shouldn't be here right now."

"No I'll stay with you, I think Alice is coming by when she finishes filming."


"I brought you coffee and sandwich, made sure it's a cold sandwich in case you didn't want it now."

"Thank you Shane,"

"Its fine, what's going on?"

"Well I spoke with Dr Wilson after they put Tina under, its not simple. Tina has a tumour its resting between her spine and her skull. It's well hidden but could be the course of a lot of her stuff. When we got to Yellowstone she was tried but her usual self. She was relaxed for once. Her body just gave up on her. it's like it's had enough. We made love, she took her meds and went for a shower while I made us some food, within about ten minutes she was passed out in my arms."

"She's strong,"

"Stronger than we all give her credit for," Bette said softly.

"What do you mean?"

"Her father beat her. her mother didn't stop him. They were both cheaters who died in a car accident more than likely fighting over the fact that her father wanted to leave. Her best friend 'loved' her too hard and tried to kill her when she started a relationship with me. Every day she copes with mental health issues which she tries to hide from the world. even me. I know she has voices in her head telling her she's worthless. She's a talented artist. She is a brilliant mother. She's a strong woman."

"And wife?" Shane asked, smiling softly.

"She's the best wife. she's my best friend. She knows me completely and I know her. she doesn't judge me or look at my past. She knows I was a player. She knows I was an ass. I love her completely Shane." Bette said picking up her coffee.

"She loves you. she's a good friend. I love talking to her. she makes me laugh."

"You were one of the view that took to her right away."

"She gets lost in our conversation. Too much going on. Her brain can't cope with that. I get that. It was a bit much for me at first but I learnt to deal with it. I don't think Tina ever will."

"No, you could be right. I think Claire's friendship ruined her."

"What do you mean?"

"Claire wanted to be with Tina. Tina knew she was gay from early on. I was just her first."

"You were Tina's first?"

"Yeah I was, in New York. I took her there and we made love for the first time and then Claire burnt her house down. Every time we go away something happens. I think we should stay away from vacations." Bette laughed softly.

"at least her first time was in the best city,"

"Yeah we had a great time. She's my world. even at her lowest. I remember laying with her after our first time, just holding her. I knew I was lost to her then."

"Did you ever see yourself falling in love with her?"

"No, not really. I was drawn to her. from the first moment I meet her in the studio. But it was the best thing in the world. falling in love is a wonderful feeling."

"She loves you deeply Bette."

"I know, I'm proud to be her wife. I mean it Shane. She's amazing. She has these internal battles going on, and she still gets out of bed, does a full days work, plays with Xavier, feeds Angie. Makes time for me. There is something amazing about her. I love her. I really love her."

"We all see that, you moved out of LA to be with her,"

"IT's the only place she finds peace the city is too noisy for her."

"I can understand that, I love you place, the peace is amazing,"

"That's why I love it."

"You should came over more often."

"I'm looking at a place near there,"


"Yeah it's a small cottage but I'm thinking of going for it. I see how at peace you and Tina are, your kids are happy. That means a lot. I used to see you as the Player Porter. We all did. You took woman and woman home and then Tina comes along and changes everything. I've never seen you so in love even when you dated Jodi, you weren't this in love."

"Tina is different. She's my world. I just want her to get through this hell."

"Together you will, and we will all be there."

"You're our chosen family you know that,"

"We do." Shane grinned. "I wouldn't want it any other way."

"Me neither. Me neither,"


Bette looked around the small waiting room, it had been nearly nine hours since Tina had been taken into surgery and so far there had been no word. Bette knew in heart that no news was good news but she was starting to get tense. She wanted to see her wife. she wanted this hell to be over. The door opened and Bette looked at a male doctor who walked in.

"I'm looking for the wife of Ms Tina Kennard,"

"That's me,"

"Hi I'm Dr Mack Waterman, I've just operated on your wife,"

"How is she?"

"She's doing remarkably well. We have removed most of the tumour we couldn't remove all of it because it is fused to her spine and we don't want to upset that area. The tumour is at the lab. Tina has been moved to ICU where you will be able to see her shortly. It's going to be next of kin only for now, until we move her into her room again."

"How long before we get the results?"

"We've put a rush on them due to your up front payment."

"Tina's up front payment," Bette replied.

"Yea sorry, erm well. We should know in a couple of hours."

"Thank you, erm can you take me to her now,"

"Sure please follow me."

Bette followed the doctor to Tina's private ICU room. She walked over to her wife who had a massive dressing on her neck. She looked uncomfortable. Bette moved the pillows softly, knowing how Tina liked them. Right now it was all just a waiting game. 

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