The Ashes of It All

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Tina stood in the middle of her property. Her world was now on ashes, the ground was black where her garage and house had once stood. Slow tears rolled don Tina's face as her life's work had been destroyed. In two evening her life had changed twice, the first she had found love and the second she had lost everything. The fire service hadn't got the house on time and everything was lost. She was homeless and all her art supplies were gone, her work was gone. her life had changed forever.

"Why?" Tina whispered.

Bette walked over, gently rubbing her Tina's shoulder.

"I'm sorry babe," Bette said, she had no idea what else to say, she couldn't believe that all was left was the ashes. The place had been burnt to the ground.

"It's not your fault, none of this is your fault." Tina was tense. She couldn't believe that this had happened. "I can't believe she has taken my house, my art, my pains. Everything is gone." Tina rubbed the back of her neck. "I'm homeless, Bette. I'm completely and utterly homeless."

"No you're not." Bette said, she'd been thinking about this a lot of the plane ride home she knew she wanted Tina with her

"I am, my house is gone, my world has gone. all my family photos, my diaries, my childhood stuff was all in that house, it's all gone."

"Babe I wouldn't see you homeless, you know that." Bette was completely serious

Tina turned to her confused.

"What are you saying?"

"I want you to move in with me, we can file the insurance claim. I can make space for you to start painting, drawing, whatever you want to do. but you won't be homeless."

Tina looked at Bette and she was shocked by the kindness of this woman. she hadn't expected this. she knew her insurance would pay for a hotel for a few nights. She didn't even think to ask her friends or Bette for a place to stay.

"You're my girlfriend TI, I'm not having you in some cheap ass hotel. I want you in my house safe. Okay?"

"Okay," Tina gave in she felt weak.

"C'mon lets get out of here." Bette reached her hand out and took Tina's knowing she had to get her to a safer space.


Tina had spent all the afternoon on the phone, to the police, to the insurance company. Her life was upside down and she saw sat on the rough wooden table in the middle of Bette's massive open plan kitchen. She couldn't believe the house. it was lovely, open plan place with four bedroom and a massive garden that had a pool, she knew that Bette made serious money she just hadn't realised how much. She knew there was a summer house at the far end of the garden.

Tina took a sip of her coffee, her mind was racing. she filled in the last of the online forms she had been asked to fill in and clicked send.

She sat back and ran her free hand over the back of her neck a nervous habit she was very well aware off.

"Finished?" Bette asked as she walked in, wearing low slung jeans and a long sleeve t-shirt with a hood, she looked relaxed. Tina love Bette's very casual look.

"Yeah, I've given the police your address as my current place of stay and the insurance company reckon the pay out should be quick as they already have the police report."

"Any news on where Claire is?" Bette asked as she looked at the fridge.

"She was arrested at her apartment this morning. They asked if I wanted to press charges,"

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